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Acyutam Keshavam Satyabhaamaa-Dhavam

I offer my obeisances to Lord Keshava , who is infallible , who is the consort of Devi Satyabhama

Sachi, inflated with pride of her husband, has not welcomed me to her dwelling with respectful presents. As a woman, I am light of purpose, and am anxious for my husband's fame; therefore have I instigated, Śakra, this contest with you. But I do not want the Párijáta tree, nor do I wish to take that which is another's property. Śachí is proud of her beauty. What woman is not proud of her husband?" Thus spoken to by Satyabhámá ~ Vishnu puran . Avyanna closed the book and grins to her friend

This story is all about a journey of two friends research on mata Satyabhama and how they quest on Parijatam leela

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