The great devotee |3|

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Already the one full moon day and the one new moon day passed.

Everyone knows Mareesha is hyper and she is popular in the college. She is known for her anger and her devotion towards Shri Hari.

Mareesha was walking when suddenly she bumped into someone

"Uffffhhh ayyooo," Mareesha screams.

"Why the hell do you bump up with everyone in the college, first with Avyanna and now him," her voice chided herself.

"Hii Mareesha and sorry," the boy grins.

"You know me?" Mareesha questioned back in amusement with an open mouth.

"Yes, of course. What's so special about that? Everyone in the college knows you for the way you talk, and your attitude. Oh my god, " he exclaimed in joy at meeting Mareesha accidently.

"Who is he?" Avyanna enters and asks with a questioning look.

"I bumped him," Mareesha said.

"Is there something else too?" Avyanna whispers to Mareesha.

"Ayyoooooo rama, nothing like that, he knows me it seems, and is a big fan of ours and wants to be our friend" Mareesha, wishpers.

"What if he is flirting or may be in love with you?" Avyanna teased Mareesha.

"Shut up, nothing like that, I called him brother," Mareesha pinches Avyanna's arm.

"Okay okay baba leave", Avyanna laughs, giving a teasing smile to Mareesha.

"By the way, you didn't introduce yourself" Mareesha asks the boy.

"Oh yeah, my name is bhavatu, and I am a science student." he gave a sheepish smile.

"Hiiiiiiiii guys, I am here," Ramita said, waving her hands.

"See there stupid Satyabhama's stupid fans," one of the members of the group said loudly, so that they could reach Mareesha.

Mareesha and Avyanna angrily fisted hands.

Mareesha, without speaking a word, throws hot coffee at him.

Making everyone around stunned in shock.

"Get up" Mareesha said thrice, but didn't get any response.

"Get up, I said", the high pitched voice of Mareesha made everyone's souls leave their bodies for a moment.

He stands and his body drenched with sweat and handshaking out of fear.

"How dare you say such words"? Avyanna too screams at him.

"What nonsense you both are talking and doing, we will see you Mareesha. I will complain about you. Don't forget my grandfather is trustee of the college",Ritik laughs sarcastically, showing his upper hand.

"What are you complaining about me? I myself will file a case against you for going against the law", Mareesha screams, losing all her control.

"What police complaint? And which law"? Ritik stays stunned

"Yes, haven't you read basic laws? Lol, how can you study when you don't have enough time to waste money? From where you will get time to read? Mareesha trolls very badly.

"Gazab bezzati"

(Pro insult)

Someone from behind screams and it is none other than Bhavatu.

"What law are you talking about? You an illiterate" Ritik asks Mareesha.

"Blasphemy law

The Indian Penal Code (IPC) has provisions (Sections 154, 295, 295A, 296, 297, and 298, with jail sentences ranging from one year to three years)", Mareesha said, shocking everyone.

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