First meeting |1|

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It's morning time in the college,

"Oh my Kanha, like always I am late.

Why didn't my alarm work, first of all, what's the need to create a snooze option"? Said the clumsy one, running in the corridor.

"Such a nice day; new people, new environment, everything is new and I am very excited". The Calm one grins.

"Ooops" ayyo govindaaaaaaa and sorry "both said at the same time. The clumsy one dashed at the calm girl by mistake.

A calm girl grins, it's okay, and forwards her hand to help the clumsy one who had fallen down, trying to get up.

The calm girl was collecting papers and giving them to a clumsy one.

"Hi, what is your name, myself avyanna", calmed one, grinning and forwards her right hand to give shake hand

" Hello myself, Mareesha, if you don't mind can you please show me the arts classroom. I am already late", shook hands,taking books and said in a hurry.

"Heyyyyyy relax, you are not late and everyone is at the canteen. I am also fresher if you don't mind" before she complete her sentence.

"Let's be friends and glad to meet a devotee like you "Mareesha said. And astonished Avyanna as she was about to say the same thing.

After keeping the bag on a bench, they both went to the canteen and started chit-chating to comfort each other.

Then only Mitra, Ramita, Shirinya and Aranya joined them.

"Hey, do you all know about Satyabhama Mata and Tulabharam Leela" Mareesha asked suddenly.

"I know it was to break the pride of Satyabhama" Mitra said causally.

"Goddesses also have egos" Shirinya said sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

"Who told you it was to break the pride? Mareesha raised her eyebrows.

"Okay, then, What is the actual story currently tell me please" Mitra ramita said, together.

"Tulabharam is not actually like as it is shown in shows and nor like what our granny told us" avyanna grins.

The story goes like this flashback.


Mata Satyabhama and Sri Krishna were checking arrangements.Sri Dwarka is decorated like Mahagauri decked with ornaments.Later Satyabhama weighed Sri Krishna according to precept in the holy text. Gave the articles equal to his weight , along with parijatam tree to Narada Mahamuni.


Present in canteen

Thus, this was mentioned in the Padma purana. Everyone formed around this small friends group and started clapping with amused expressions.

"Only this much, you know? Can you give detailed information please, we are misguided". A crowd formed there shouted.

"I know a detailed story from Harivamsa" Mareesha said.

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