Debunking myths |5|

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Jai Shri Krishna, don't miss the end and comment below any guess about the upcoming track.

Mareesha enters her house silently.

Keeping her bag aside, she sat on the sofa.

"Maru, when did you come? What happened to you? Why are you silent? Why didn't you say your favorite dialogue while entering our home? Eshit asked, knowing the reason behind Mareesha's silence. He wanted her to share her feelings.

"Nothing, eshi, leave me alone," Mareesha replied.

"No, I can't leave you alone. Come, let's visit a psychologist. I heard you got a panic attack. ". Eshit showed his concern, and Mareesha nodded her head in telling him no need of it.

Without asking further, Eshit hugged his sister tightly. And Mareesha couldn't hold, and she burst into tears.

"Eshi, how can they say that I harrassed Ritik? When I never met him privately, "Mareesha broke down in her brother's embrace.

"I understand, dear, don't worry. I will take strict action. Why fear when your brother is here" eshit smirks.

"Brother, if he doesn't change, I will do something and his life will become hell" Mareesha smirks and Eshit wipes her tears.

Eshit whispers something in Mareesha's ears, making her laugh hard.

"That's really great eshit I didn't think in that way, it is the best he deserves",. Mareesha laughs.

"That's what laugh like this dear and listen from tomorrow go to the college with an attitude and your swag. Ritik will be shocked to see you fearless, " eshit suggested, ruffling Mareesha's head. And kept his hand on her shoulder, showing his support for her.

"Between, I will talk with the teachers and your seniors. They will definitely help you, as you know your brother is famous" Eshit smirks, saying proudly, loudly, and Mareesha laughs loudly, hugging him again.

Mareesha is about to say something and

Their conversation is interrupted by a heard voice.

"Hii, my sweet child, eesha." Neighbor Aunt of Mareesha screamed, entering the hall.

"Aunty, please have a seat, and mom is not here. Let me bring you your favorite drink. Would you like to tell me your favorite drink?" Mareesha asked politely. Eshit wondered what happened to his sister's nature.

"No need of it dear, come and sit with me," she said, with a devil smirk, and Mareesha understood quickly and sat next to her aunt.

"So how are your studies?" Aunty asks.

"Good aunty," Mareesha gave a fake smile.

"By the way, I heard from my daughter that you are posting about that arrogant lady on insta!" Aunt asks.

"Who is arrogant, aunty? I never posted about any arrogant lady," Mareesha replies, confusingly not able to understand the insult of Satrajit Kumari.

"That lady, what do you call her? Bhama, yeah, that is arrogant bhama, don't waste your time on her dear, think about your studies, " Aunt said, and Mareesha fisted her hands. Watching everything eshit understood now that the tsunami is going to happen.

Mareesha fisted her hand tightly. Still controlling herself, she said calmly,

"Aunty read Srimad Bhagawatam before questioning Satya rani's behavior," Mareesha replied.

"No, no, maru, she changed after Tulabharam Leela before she was arrogant," aunt claims.

The Lord married Satyabhāmā in proper religious fashion. Possessed of excellent behavior, along with beauty, broad-mindedness, and all other good qualities

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