The Houseboat

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The three of us paddle through the water until we reach the boat. John B climbs up first, crouching low and staying silent as he ducks to the side of the doorway. JJ follows, and John B is quick to hiss at him. "JJ, keep it down," He whispers as JJ hops onto the deck, turning to help me up. JJ and I creep to one side of the doorway while John B goes to the other. John B reaches a careful hand through the open doorway. "The stove's warm. He's still here," He whispers. 

We all turn away from the doorway, searching the seemingly abandoned house boat. "Maybe he split when he heard us coming," JJ suggests. "Devils!" A rough voice shouts, jumping out from around the corner. John B shoves JJ out of the way just in time, Neville's sword coming down right where his head just one. He swings for John B, who ducks out of the way with a grunt. He starts to swing for me and JJ grabs his neck. Neville's arm goes flying back into his nose. 

JJ doubles over and I run over to him, my wet hair flying in my face. "Sir! Listen! Neville! We just wanna talk!" John B shouts as, catching Neville's arm as he swings again. They wrestle for a second before JJ notices the wire in the doorway. "John B! Trip line! Trip line!" He shouts, but it's too late. Neville finally shoves John B back through the doorway, sending them both flying to the ground. Neville pins John B to the ground, raising his sword. "No, no, no, no!" John B grimaces. "No! Hey!" I scream as JJ jumps onto Neville's back, trying to pull him off. "Let him go!" He screams.

"Stop! Stop! We know Professor Sowell!" John B pleads. Neville freezes temporarily, but he doesn't release his hold on John B, and JJ doesn't release his hold on him. "Who gave you that name?" He spits. "Let it go, dude!" JJ shouts, still trying to pull him off. I lean down next to him, tugging with JJ. "Listen to me, we're friends, okay?" John B pleads as we all struggle. "Hey!" JJ shouts, yanking at the sword. "You were in Orinoco last year! With five other people! Right?" John B screams. "How did you know that?" Neville panics. 

"Let go, let go," John B pants. "Let it go!" JJ screams. "Let it go!" I scream at him. Finally, the sword flies from Neville's hands and JJ swings it away from him, holding it tightly. I pant heavily, dropping to my hands and knees beside John B's head. JJ grabs Neville, pushing him up against the sink and holding the sword to his neck. "We're on the same team, home dog, okay?" JJ pants as John B helps me up and we both stand to face Neville. 

"Look, we don't wanna hurt you, okay?" I plead. "Put it down," John B whispers, moving the sword away from Neville's face. "Jesus," Neville pants. "Look, we were just with Sowell yesterday. He uh... he didn't make it," John B shakes his head. "He's dead?" Neville whispers, his eyes pinched with worry. "Yeah," JJ breathes. "Yeah," John B says as I nod. "I'm sorry," John B says. Neville finally drops his arms and JJ lets go of his shoulder as we all take shaky breaths. "You good?" John B makes sure. 

"I'm the last one left," He murmurs shakily. "Yeah," JJ whispers as Neville sits down slowly. "That's why we had to get to you before they did," I explain slowly. "If we found you, they can too," JJ nods. "I just have a few questions," John B whispers, unfolding the now soaking wet drawing from under the dresser. "Solana. You've been there, yeah?" John B asks, laying it in front of him.

"That is a place of evil," Neville says, but he nods. "Okay," John B whispers. He points to a round circle of stone in the middle of the drawing, a small dark hole in the middle of it. "That stone piece right there. Me and my dad found the thingy that goes in the center," He tells him. That must be the idol thing John B was talking about. "The gnomon," Neville breathes. "Gnomon," John B nods. "What's a gnomon?" JJ whispers. "The gnomon, hey, I got it, I got it," John B whispers to JJ. "Listen to me," John B says, turning back to Neville.

"Now, there's some bad men, who have taken my father to this place, and they're gonna kill him," He says. JJ takes my hand and squeezes it in reassurance. "So I need your help, to find this place, Neville," John B says. "No, no, no, no," Neville says quickly, standing up and turning to the window. "No?" I ask, my voice barely a whisper. "The curse has already done enough!" Neville says, turning back around to face us. "No, no, no, look, it's not a curse. Okay? I understand that it's dangerous, but I need your help!" John B yells. "Shh, hey," JJ hisses suddenly.

"What? What is going?" He shouts. "J-just shut up! Shut up!" JJ shouts as he continues to talk, slapping his hand over John B's mouth. "Shut up! Shh," JJ whispers, holding up one finger. We all listen to the small purring of a boat engine. "Hey, Neville, how much traffic do you get on this river?" JJ asks. "Nothing," Neville says, confused. "NEVILLE! NEVILLE PERSAUD!" Someone screams suddenly. We all jump, turning towards the open window. 

I slap my hand over my mouth as one of Singh's men stands on a boat not far away, cocking a gun. The gun fires. A serious of shouts erupt as we all duck, covering our heads from the glass and debris flying around. JJ yanks me down and I fall flat on my face with a scream. Two more gun shots ring out as we try to get away, scrambling around. "Jesus!" JJ shouts as more glass blows around us. Two more shots. "Oh, my God!" JJ screams as we cover our heads, unable to move. 

"Get the anchor!" Neville shouts as John B helps JJ and I to our feet, all of us panting heavily. "Go!" He screams. We stay ducked below the windows and JJ grabs the sword off the ground. "Go!" John B hisses as we rush into the next room. The three of us creep around to the back of the boat, peering around a corner. When we don't see anymore of Singh's men, John B sneaks down to the ladder, slowly crawling down. JJ tucks the sword in his mouth, pushing me down in front of him before following us into the water, just as Singh's men board the house boat on the other side.

John B motions around the back of the boat and we follow him, paddling silently through the water. We reach the back of the other boat, where one of Singh's men still stands with the gun, his back to us, the other searching the houseboat for Neville. As slowly and quietly as possible, the three of us slide onto the back of the boat. John B leans forward, very carefully slipping the key from the ignition. The key makes a soft clicking sound as it exits, but it's enough. The man turns and John B catches his gun as they wrestle, both grunting. John B finally shoves the gun back, sending the man flying into the water. "Shit!" He hisses, watching as the keys to the boat go with him.

"Wait here!" John B whispers to us as he climbs onto the houseboat. JJ and I exchange glances, waiting. We hear two gun shots go off and Neville grunting as he bats the second man away with a pan. "Go around!" John B mouths to us before disappearing through the open doorway. JJ and I dive into the water as quietly as possible, swimming to the back of the boat. As soon as we get there we hear the man above us. "Not this time my friend," He chuckles. "Down," He hisses at John B, who stands across from him, arms raised. JJ and I peer over the edge of the ladder as the man holds his gun at John B.

John B slowly sinks to the ground as JJ rises up with the sword. The boat engine moves suddenly and JJ takes his chance, grabbing the back of the mans shirt and sending him flying into the water over our heads. "JJ, machete!" John B shouts. JJ removes the sword from his mouth and tosses it to John B, turning to help me onto the deck as the boat roars, trying to move forwards. "Cut the line! Cut the line!" He shouts. The man surfaces, trying to swim for the ladder. John B swings, cutting off the line of the anchor. We surge forwards. 

"This isn't over!" The man shouts. "Go! Go! Go!" JJ shouts at Neville as we run into the captain's pit. "Go, go, go!" I hiss. "You gotta go! You gotta go!" John B says. "Yeah, yeah, yeah! I'm going! I'm going!" Neville shouts. "Are they coming?" He asks as JJ leans over the open window. "No, we're good," He pants. "You owe me an anchor," Neville sighs. "You're welcome," JJ grunts. 

Outer Banks (JJ Maybank x Female Reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now