The Anniversary

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"Look, Neville, they're taking my father there," I plead as we float farther down stream. "And you're the only person who knows where it is," John B says. "Neville, they are going to kill him unless you help us," John B begs. "They're going after the gold?" He asks, but it sounds like a statement. "Yeah... I mean what else are they gonna be going after?" JJ asks sarcastically. "Then they'll die anyway," Neville says. "Unless they can pass the test, which they won't if they can't translate the idol," He says. "You know the story," He sighs.

JJ and I exchange glances. "No," JJ sighs with a roll of eyes as if it's obvious. Neville nods, blowing out a breath of air. "El Dorado was found by a Guajiro king, and when it came time for him to slip his mortal coil and meet my greats on the astral plane, he wasn't just going to give the gold to his sons," Neville shrugs. "It was the source of his power," He explains. 

JJ purses his lips, shaking his head in disbelief. "It had to go to the wisest man, and to ensure this actually happened, he set up the test of the gnomon," Neville says. "So there's like, some test now, okay," JJ sighs, leaning his head back. "There's always a test," John B says. "Whoever passes the test gains access to the gold," Neville tells us. "You fail the test, you die," He says as if it's the simplest thing in the world. 

"If you somehow get to the gold without taking the test, then you die," He shrugs. "Great. He's lyin' right? 'Cause there's no way that actually can happen, right?" JJ asks John B skeptically. "Tell that to the crew of the San Jose and the Royal Merchant," Neville shakes his head. "We don't want the gold, Neville," John B says. JJ raises a finger. "Well...," He says, his voice slightly high-pitched. "We just wanna save our dad," I whisper, smiling slightly at John B. 

Neville shakes his head. "Take the wheel," He says finally, moving away from it. "Yes, sir," JJ sighs, stepping in his place. Neville leans over a blank piece of paper, John B and I watching over his shoulders. "You must go to the port of Tres Rocas," He says, labeling a small dot and drawing some land around it. "From there, find ferry passage from a river guide called Jose," He says, drawing a long squiggly line and labeling it, "Orinoco River". "He will take you up the Orinoco to El Tesoro," Neville says, drawing arrows up the river and adding a new point. 

"It is there. In the bush, you will find a site," He says. "Guess we back in the G-game?" JJ grins. "Make yourself pure of heart, pure of mind," Neville says. "You are there to save your father," He nods at us. John B nods. "The gold kills everyone," He says. "Alright," JJ says. "Move over," Neville sighs, pushing JJ out of the way of the wheel. "Yes, sir," JJ says again. 


The sun is setting when the three of us pull the HMS Pogue up to the dock next to Kie's parent's anniversary party. "Here's the game plan," John B says as we tie up. "Get the girls, go find Pope and Cleo, get down to South America as soon as possible, cool?" He nods. "Seems a bit vague, I gotta say, John B. Also, I don't got a passport, dog, so...," JJ shakes his head as John B hops up on the dock. "Hey, hey, look, don't bore me with the details, alright? We'll figure that out later, alright? Hey, look at me," He says, whistling so JJ stops looking at Kie's parents and turns back to him. "Yeah," He nods. 

"Gonna get Sarah. We're gonna get Kie, little rendezvous mission. Alright, get back on the boat, get out of here," John B tells both of us. "Look, the other day Mike and I kinda got into a little bit of a tiff, alright?" JJ says slowly, explaining why he keeps glancing at her parents. "Oh, my God," I groan, pressing my hand to my forehead. "And if I go over there right now, and Mike sees me, he's not gonna let Kiara out of his sight, boom," JJ says. "Mission blown, we can't go down to South America," He says. 

"JJ, JJ, look," John B interrupts, grabbing his face. "Just don't get seen," He hisses. "You're right. I'll stay here," JJ nods. "No, no, that's not what I was saying," John B sighs as I hop onto the dock. "I'll stay right here, I got your six," JJ nods. "Yep. No, that's great," John B groans. "I'll keep her running dog, alright?" He calls, hopping down to the motor. "Chop, chop, though okay?" He says, looking up at me. "Yep, thanks," John B nods, rolling his eyes as he turns to walk up the dock. JJ grabs my hand. "I love you," He says, squeezing. "I love you too," I whisper before quickly following John B up the dock. 

"I'll get Sarah, you get Kie?" He nods. "Yeah, yeah, I got it," I whisper as we split. I walk around the edge of the party, looking for Kie. "Y/n?" I hear her call from behind me. I spin around. "I saw John B, I figured you couldn't be far," She says, walking up to me. "We were wondering where you guys ran off too, you okay?" She asks as she reaches me. "Um, no," I grimace, exhaling loudly. "Look, long story short, my dad got kidnapped, and we're going to save him," I wince.

"What- what do you mean got kidnapped?" She whispers. "To South America. By Singh," I say. "So, we have to get down there as soon as we can," I whisper. "South America? Right now?" She asks skeptically. "Yeah, I know, it's a long shot, but we're trying to make a plan right now," I say. "I- I- I can't... I don't know... my parents," She mutters, shaking her head quickly. "So, is that a no?" I whisper. "I'm so sorry, y/n, my parents are going to send me to boarding school if I leave again, I just...," She says. "Oh, my God," She mutters, putting her hands on her head. 

"No, no, it's okay, I get it, it's just-," I whisper. "Stay safe," She sighs. "We will," I nod. She wraps her arms around me in a hug. "Be careful, okay? Find Big John," She nods. "Keep the rest of them safe," She says sadly. "I will, love you, bye Kie," I nod before disappearing back down the docks.

JJ searches my face as I approach, a question in his eyes. "Where are the girls? Where's John B?" He asks. "You haven't seen him? We split when we got up there. Kie... can't come...," I sigh. "What- what do you mean, can't come?" He asks. "Her parents," I sigh with a shrug. "They'll kill her, she has to stay here," I whisper. "Oh, my God, alright, look, the sun is setting, you gotta find John B," He says. "Okay," I nod. "Yeah, I'm on it," I say before jogging back up the dock. 

It's dark by the time I finally find John B. "Where were you?" I whisper as he silently follows me. He shakes his head. I raise my eyebrows. "Where's Sarah?" I ask with a groan as we walk back down the dock. "What happened?" JJ asks as we reach the boat. "What happened?" John B spits. "She cheated. That's what happened," He says. "What?" I hiss. "After everything I've been going through she's off hooking up with Topper," He shrugs. "I mean what the hell?" He asks.

"Bro, y/n's been looking all over for you, alright? And the clock's ticking, alright? Let's just go. We don't need them," JJ says. "I can't believe Sarah-," I'm cut off by John B climbing out of the boat, standing on the dock and staring. "Yo, let's get out of here," JJ says. We follow his gaze to see Sarah and Topper hugging at the top of the dock. "John B! John... what are you doing? Don't even think about it, dude," JJ says, but it's too late.

John B starts up the dock slowly. "John B, get in the boat," I hiss. John B walks up to them, shoving Topper back. "JJ," I hiss worriedly. "I know, I know, come on!" He says, grabbing my wrist and pulling me up the dock. We stand on the end, watching. "Feel good about yourself?" I hear John B yell. John B shoves him back again as they continue to fight. Sarah grabs John B, spinning him to face her. JJ walks slowly further up the dock, waiting.

John B turns slowly around to face Topper again, and I hold my breath. Suddenly, he swings, sending his fist flying into Topper's face. People scream as Topper flies back into the ground. I gasp, covering my mouth with my hands. "Woah, you like that shit, Top?" John B asks loudly. "Huh? Huh?" He asks. John B leans forward, grabbing Topper by the neck and punching him again. Everyone starts screaming. "JJ!" I whimper. "Do something!" I say as John B punches him again. "John B!" I scream as JJ runs for them. 

John B gets in two more punches before Mr. Carrera pulls him off, screaming. Mike shoves him hard, still screaming. JJ runs in, getting in front of John B. "Get off of him!" JJ screams. I wince again, pressing my hands over my mouth as they all yell. JJ pushes John B away as Mike keeps yelling, heading back towards me. "You happy, Sarah?" John B screams. "Let's go," JJ whispers under his breath to me. I turn, following them back down the dock.

"She's a cheater, that's who she is. I should've known," John B shakes his head. "Do you have any idea what you just did?" I hiss at him. "Like, actually?" JJ nods. We push off the dock, riding into the black water. 

Outer Banks (JJ Maybank x Female Reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now