The Kidnapping

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"Dude, where is everything?" JJ shouts angrily, throwing his backpack on the ground. He's stressed. "I don't know, man," John B groans as Sarah and I stand next to each other with our arms crossed, watching them. "We should get em. We should get in the Twinkie, and we should just get 'em, that's what we should do!" JJ shouts, gesturing to the van. "Five minutes, just give 'em five minutes, alright?" John B sighs. JJ starts to shout back but Sarah stops him. "Guys, there's Pope and Cleo, right there," She rolls her eyes as Pope and Cleo ride onto the airstrip, Cleo on the back of Pope's motorcycle. 

"God!" JJ shouts as they stop in front of us. "Were you guys waiting for us?" Cleo calls. "Yes, we were. You're late," JJ says. He picks up his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. "So, did you actually convince your pops this time or...?" JJ asks. "Cleo convinced him," Pope shrugs as he hops off the bike. Cleo throws up to hands and JJ and I do the Pogue hand shake with each of her hands, grinning. "My girl. That's what I'm talkin' about," JJ shakes his head.

"Thank you for being a part of my crew," He nods. "Anytime," She smiles. "Hey, where's, uh... where's Kie?" Pope asks, looking around at all of us. "Well, I don't know," Sarah mutters. "It's gotta be her parents, dude. They've been up her ass," I say. "They must've said she couldn't come," Pope nods in agreement. "We're gonna have to do this without her," Pope sighs. "No," I shake my head. "Give me the keys," I say to John B.

"No, dude. No, no, no, no, no," John B tells me. "She's right, we can't leave her," JJ nods. "Give me the keys right now," I repeat, holding my hand out. "Okay, that doesn't seem like a really good idea right now, guys," John B sighs. "Just give me an hour," I sigh. John B exhales. "It'll be like a black ops mission, in and out," JJ nods. "You're not coming," I hiss, shooting him a glare. "Why?" He complains. "Please, John B," I shake my head. 

"All in? Remember? We aren't the Pogues if we're missing a member," I beg. "Give me the keys," I say one more time. He sighs, pressing his hand to his head. Finally, when he seems to make up his mind, he exhales again and drops his head. "Okay, okay. Go," He nods. "Just hurry back," He nods. "Okay, I love you, thanks!" I grin, starting to run for the Twinkie. JJ starts to follow and I turn on him, pressing my hand against his chest. "Stay," I hiss, giving him a look before running the rest of the way to the car. 

"Why?" JJ yells after me as I pull down the airstrip. "You got 59 minutes, y/n!" John B shouts after me.


"Kie?" I call as I step out of the Twinkie, looking around the yard. I listen for a second, but the house seems quiet, and both of her parent's cars are gone. It doesn't seem like anyone is home. "Kie?" I call one more time, a little louder. No response. "Okay," I sigh, taking a deep breath. A truck pulls up on the road outside of her house. A man steps out and turns to face me. I give him a weird look. "Hey, Kiara," He smiles. "Um... I'm not Kiara," I mutter as he walks quickly towards me.

I turn away from him, walking towards the steps of her house. "Hey, come back. I'm not gonna hurt you. I just want to talk to you," He says. "Uh, Kie?" I scream, desperate now. "Uh, no, thanks!" I call to the man over my shoulder as I reach Kie's porch. "Kiara, it'll just take a second!" He shouts. "I'm not Kiara...," I mutter, walking quickly to the front door as he follows. I try to open the door, but it's locked. "Um, hello? Kiara!" I scream as I knock loudly. 

The man gets closer. "Hey! Kie! Mr. Carrera! Mrs. Carrera! Mike! Anna!" I scream, trying every name possible as the man reaches the porch. I continue knocking loudly and someone finally opens the door. I turn gratefully, but come face to face with another strange man, wearing the same shirt as the first man. "Who are you?" I whisper nervously. "Look. This can go one of two ways," The man says as my heart beats quickly and I start to freak out. Why didn't I let JJ come??

"No, no, no, no, no," I mutter to myself, backing away from the approaching man as my heart hammers in my chest. My only thought was Singh's men. But why did they think I was Kiara? And why were they here? Why did they want Kiara? I take quick steps away from the man from the house, but the other man catches my arms behind my back. I scream. "Stay calm," The first man hisses as the man from inside the house puts a hand on my shoulder, pushing me backwards.

I shove against him, trying to wrestle out of their grasps as they push me down the porch. "No! Help! Someone help!" I scream as I kick my feet, trying to get them off of me. They drag me by my arms down the steps as I flail and kick my feet. I clutch onto the railing at the bottom, screaming, but they pull me off. "Stop! Stop!" I scream. Finally, I see the logo on their truck, the same one as on their shirts. Kitty Hawk. I understand finally. The boarding school or phsyco camp or whatever Kie's parents were trying to send her too. They think I'm Kie. 

"No, no, no!" I scream. "You don't understand! I'm not Kiara! I'm not Kie! Please, I'm not Kiara!" I cry, but they don't listen. "I don't live here! That's my car, see? My name is y/n Routledge. Please! You can't take me! I have to go to South America! I have to save my dad! Please! I'm getting married!" I cry, but they throw me in the truck, slamming the door. I rattle the doorknob as they get in the front seats, banging on the windows and screaming. The windows don't roll down and the doors won't open.

"No!" I scream. "No, you can't take me, please!" I scream, still banging. "Kie!" I yell. "Help!" I scream again. "Help I'm being kidnapped!" I scream, banging on the windows as the tears start to roll down my face. "Please! Kie! Anyone! Help me!" I scream. The car starts and we pull down the road. 

Outer Banks (JJ Maybank x Female Reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now