The Getaway

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It's a little while later when the door creaks open again. I sit up as the lady from earlier walks in, a man behind her. "Kiara. We know you're grieving, and feel you're best supported by your peers. So, we're going to relocate you," She says. My heart drops into my stomach. If I'm moved, JJ won't know where to find me. "I-I-I really feel like I need some more time to reflect," I nod. "No stalling. Come on. We're putting you in a dorm," The man grumbles.

"Cabin Six. Let's go," He says, walking towards the door. I watch them both leave and quickly stand up. "Hey, uh, just hang on one sec!" I call through the open door. I quickly grab the sharpie from the floor and stand in front of the wooden beam on the bunk beds, finding an empty space. I quickly write 'P4L Cabin 6' with a heart on the beam, cap the sharpie, and follow them out of the door.

All of the girls in my new dorm turn when they see me, their chatter silencing. "Girls, this is Kiara," A woman announces. "She's had some tough family news. Let's show her some empathy and love, okay?" She smiles. I stare emotionless down the long rows of bunks. "Can we do that?" She asks. They don't respond, going back to their quiet murmur. "No? Okay," I roll my eyes, muttering under my breath. The girls whisper to themselves, their eyes on me as the tall man leads me down the row to my own bunk.

"On top," He commands, tossing a duffel at the foot of the bed, probably filled with more uniforms. The girls continue to stare as I climb up, folding my knees to my chest again. 


Night comes and JJ still doesn't show. I sigh, trying not to doze off as I lay back against my hard bunk. I wear a black sweatshirt I found in my duffel bag, the sleeves pulled over my hands. I sigh, grabbing my rings for the thousandth time as I finally decide to let myself fall asleep.


I wake to the creaking of bunk boards and lights flicking on. I sit up, my eyes adjusting to the dark. "Hello, everyone. Uh... shit. I know this looks bad. I come in peace," A familiar voice echoes around the room. I blink, still trying to make sense of the black figure on the ground. "But I'm just looking for someone," The voice continues. I finally realize it's JJ's voice. I blink again, making out his messed up blond hair sticking out from underneath a black hood. He has a bandana around his mouth and nose, covered fully in black.

"I'm looking... I'm looking for...," He whispers. "Me," I whisper. He pulls his bandana down, searching the room for my voice. "y/n," He whispers. My lip trembles and I quickly jump down from my bunk, running towards him. He catches my waist as I catch his neck, pressing my face into his shoulder. I breathe long pants of air in relief and JJ chuckles slightly, also relieved. "How did... how?" I mutter, pulling away from him, but not dropping his hands. "I know. Okay, yeah. It's a long story. No time to explain though," He mutters.

"I love you," I whisper. "I love you too," He breathes. I pull his lips to mine, still shaking with relief. The girls around us start clapping and cheering loudly as we kiss. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, okay!" JJ hisses, trying to get them to shut up. "Keep it down, keep it down! Guys, come on! Shh!" He hisses. I run for the bunk, grabbing my duffel bag. "Come on!" JJ whispers as I run back, grabbing his hand. We run for the door together. 

The girls continue screaming, following us to the doorway as we run. "To the right! Go, go, go," JJ hisses in my ear. "Okay. Can't really go through the front gate," He hisses in the darkness, not letting go of my hand. "You good?" He asks. I just laugh as we run through the woods. JJ whoops. "Go that way!" He shouts as we reach the road. "I never thought I was gonna make it out!" I pant as we run. "Gotta have more faith in me," He chuckles. "Mwah! This place can suck it!" I shout as we pass the sign at the entrance, blowing the sign a kiss. "Wilderness camp," JJ rolls his eyes. 


"Where are we going? Is it this way?" I ask as we go back through the woods, coming out on a new side next to an empty road. "Yeah, yeah. Right up here. This is where, this where we're uh...," He says. "Why did you park so far?" I groan. We've been walking for almost half an hour.

"Kind of a long story, but, um, because there's only one road into Kitty Hawk," He says. "And with the camp and Kie's parents knowing what the Twinkie looks like, I thought it would be best to leave it as a decoy," He explains, staring down the dark road. "There should be-," He stops mid-sentence. "That's a cop. Go. Cop! Cop! Cop! Cop!" He hisses, following me back into the bushes. 

"Go," I whisper, pushing him down behind it. The wailing sirens and flashing blue lights pass by us. "That's what the decoy's for," JJ whispers once the car is out of sight. "Okay," I say. "So, what? Are we hitchhiking?" I ask as JJ crosses the road. "Not quite," He says. "We missed Ward's plane, but I got another plan," He tells me, looking down the long black road again. "Come on, man. Where you at, dude?" He hisses into the darkness. I squint my eyes, trying to find whatever he's looking for.

Suddenly, tires squeal loudly and headlights flash as a car drives fast down the road toward us. "Here he comes. Dude, come on!" JJ shouts. "Hurry up, man! Come on!" He continues shouting. "Who the hell is that?" I ask JJ skeptically. "Y/n, you're, um, not gonna like it," JJ whispers as the car stops in front of us. Barracuda Mike sits in the drivers seat. "JJ...," I freeze. "It's okay, just- just trust me?" He pleads, taking my hand. I consider for a second before nodding, giving his hand a squeeze. 

"Bus is waiting! All aboard!" Mike calls to us as JJ opens the door. "Hop on in there!" Mike calls as I slide in cautiously. "Good to see you again!" Mike chortles. "Plane's ready, right?" JJ asks. "Plane is ready. It's been ready, dude. Let's go," He says. My eyes widen as I stare at JJ. The plane? JJ cheers loudly, getting into the front seat next to Mike and shutting the door. "That's what I'm talking about. I did it good! I'm a hustler, baby!" He yells.


We get out of the car in the middle of the same field we were in the first time. The huge plane still waits for us, blades spinning. "Direct flight to South America on Barracuda Airlines!" He shouts over the roar, a wide smile on his face. "What more could you ask for?" He calls as we walk towards the hangar. "Are you sure?" I scream over the sound. The wind from the blades whips my hair around and makes my eyes tear up. 

"You got somewhere else to be?" He calls back. I think of home, of the Château, gone now. The only family I have left is already in South America. Maybe my dad is safe already. "Not anymore!" I yell back with a smile, shaking my head at him. "Me neither!" He shakes his head.

He takes my hand. "Just with you!" He calls. I smile, my eyes watery from all the wind. "Let's go save my dad," I yell. "Next stop, El Dorado!" He nods, still smiling. "Let's go!" He calls, leading me up into the hangar. "Come on! Let's get the hell out of here! Go, go, go!" Mike calls. "Going down!" He shouts as he presses the button to close the hangar. "Let's go," I laugh. JJ raises his hand and I high-five him, lacing our fingers together as he laughs loudly. "Let's go," He nods at Mike, pulling me into his arms. 

Outer Banks (JJ Maybank x Female Reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now