The U-Haul

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"I- I... I don't know about this," John B sighs as we park the Twinkie on the side of abandoned road. "Bro, you're worrying way too much about this, okay?" JJ asks as we walk down the road together. "It is just farmers who brought organic seeds from South America that we are gonna unload," JJ explains as if he's speaking to a toddler. "Yea, yea, why don't you just call it what it is, it's a drug-smuggling operation!" John B hisses. "Alright, do you wanna get your dad or not? Y/n's perfectly fine with this!" JJ says. "Well...," I mutter. 

"Yes, I do, okay? Look, this has to work out, okay? I doubted him, and I blamed him, and all this time he was just trying to protect me. And now he's been abducted, so I kinda need a little bit of a game plan-," John B says. "John B, no! Okay, listen, listen," JJ says, stopping and turning to catch John B's shoulder. "I know. You know who you're gonna have to trust right now? Papa J," He says, pointing to myself. "Oh, God," I mutter, wincing. 

"Okay, I got this, 100%," JJ says, ignoring me. "I mean, 60% would be good, honestly," John B shrugs, following JJ further off the road and into the woods. "Holy shit, look at that thing," I breathe when reach the plane. It's massive, every bit of it rusted with age. "Yeah, dude. It's like an RV with wings," JJ says. "Shit, they're already unloading," John B hisses, freezing in his tracks when we see Mike and his men tossing bags from the plane into the truck. "Oh shit," JJ says. 

"Yo! We aren't... late... are we?" JJ asks as we approach them. "No, there was a change of plan though," Mike says, twirling his between his fingers. "Oh, uh, okay," JJ says. "You three, are gonna drive the truck up to Elizabeth City to make the drop," He grins, pressing a car key into JJ's chest. "The address is in the truck, there'll be a dummy car for you to use to come back," He explains. "The plane'll still be waiting," He nods. 

"Right. Okay, so, um... you just want us to drive the truck?" JJ asks. "Correct," Mike smiles. He raises the key again and JJ slowly lifts his arm to grab it. "Actually, can I borrow them, for... one second," John B nods, shoving JJ aside, me at his heels. "Hey, hey, this is not what we talked about," John B hisses. "This is way more dangerous," I agree in a small voice. "Thank you!" John B hisses. "It don't matter what we talked about, in for a penny, in for a pound," Mike grumbles. 

"You do this, you get your ride," He says as we turn back to him. "Yeah, it's just that-," JJ starts. "If not...," Barracuda Mike leans forward, dropping his voice to a whisper. "You know how this works, right?" He says. JJ backs up towards me protectively, suddenly aware of all of Mike's men staring at us, still as statues. "Now, Highway Patrol is changing shifts as we speak," He says. "This is the window. Take it to the drop house on prospect. Directions are in the truck. Any luck, we'll have you back before sundown," He instructs, chuckling slightly.

"Come on," He nods, holding out the keys again. JJ shoots me an apologetic glance before turning back to Mike. "Take the key," Mike whispers. "Yeah, no problem," JJ nods, taking it from him. "Get in the truck," He nods at John B and I. I swallow sharply, following suit.


"Do you have any idea what's in the back of this truck?" John B asks as we sit three across in the front row of the U-haul, JJ driving. "Yes! John B, I know what's in the back of the truck right now," JJ says, stressed out. "And it's gonna be fine! It's gonna work out, okay?" He half-shouts. "I am sick of your bullshit plans, man!" John B shouts, leaning across me to talk to JJ. "Goddamn!" JJ shouts through gritted teeth. 

"No, I'm just saying, this might actually top the time you told me to fake appendicitis in jail," He says. "Yeah, and that almost worked!" JJ shouts. "Guys, shut up," I groan. "I'm trying not to freak out right now," I say, pushing John B back towards his own seat. "Get the map out, I have no idea where we're going," JJ sighs as John B obeys. "Alright, we need to get to 158, okay?" John B asks as JJ turns down another road. "Which...," JJ says, flipping through the papers. "This one, man! Just ripped it out," John B hisses. "Jesus christ!" JJ groans, snatching it from him.

Outer Banks (JJ Maybank x Female Reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now