Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

A half-moon glowed on a ruined village, illuminating an otherwise desecrated scene. The scene was momentarily silent save for the whimpers that echoed out into the night.

There was stirring in the remains of what were once houses as innocent Pokemon were either injured, dead, trembling in fear or crying over the bodies of those close to them. Those brave enough, however, peeked over the wall to view their only hope in the center of what was left of the village.

The two recipients of this attention was a massive Nidoking with a gem shaped mark in his chest and blazing golden eyes. He stood about two feet taller than the average Nidoking. His opponent was a Leavanny that was suffering from numerous injuries that looked almost fatal.

The Leavanny still stared defiantly back. "Thorn," he spat. "You will never get away with attacking this village. The pride of Peridot City's Justice Guild will never allow it."

The Nidoking blitzed him, pinning him to the ground and wrapping his tail around his neck.

He raised his head triumphantly. "Weak deputy....after tonight this village will be another failure on your Guild's." He growled back."Puny...all of you are nothing to me." The Leavanny's red eyes darted towards the remains of a house a little ways away.

Beady eyes peered out from the holes that filled the wall they hid behind. A Raticate who was watching fell backwards with a horrified squeak.

His teeth chattered. "T-there's no way," He whimpered. "He didn't even land a hit on him."
The others murmured anxiously among themselves.

A Torkoal who looked ancient nodded solemnly. "I had heard things about the Justice Guild. Apparently they are in charge of fighting the region's most dangerous criminals and are among the strongest Pokemon in the world."

A Ledyba had a dark look. "Deputies are said to be incredible in strength, second only to the Guildmaster." He noted.

The Torkoal nodded. "And yet....compared to that monster...." He said strainfully.

The Leafanny struggled, but Thorn's tail felt like an iron pipe was wrapped around his neck. He coughed as Thorn played with him.

"Rodriguez," He managed to yowl despite the immense pressure on his throat.  The Raticate who was cowering looked up. "Take the citizens and get them away now! We are not going to be able to defeat him."

The Raticate got up, slowly. "But sir-"

"Go!" He urged. "I am replaceable, my life is given for you and your children. The party coming cannot best him! You must all get to Peridot City and warn the Guildmaster!" He met the Torkoal's steady gaze and after a moment of silence, the elderly pokemon nodded.

"Take the other's and get to that east side. And no back talk!" He suddenly snapped as multiple members attempted to speak up. "I would just cut the speed of all of you in half. I lived more than all of you put together, this old man is going to be just fine."

Thorn chuckled. "Heh, so that's where they were hiding." His low growl of a voice mused. "Saves me the trouble of hunting them down."

Paulson's hands grew a light green and with a slam in the ground, a blizzard of lighted leaves surrounded him and Thorn. "Leaf Storm!"

Thorn's tongue clicked as his arms went to his face. While they didn't hurt, they made moving difficult and vision impossible. Losing his grip on Paulson, the deputy slipped out and went to a knee as he struggled to catch his breath.

Using this distraction, the Pokemon, led by Rodriguez, fled eastwards from the Leaf Storm, except the Torkoal. Tears welled in Rodriguez's eyes as he led the villagers away from the battle.

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