Chapter 4

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Multiple Pokemon moved out of the way, some in amusement, others in annoyance as a young Snivy bolted her way down the busy street. An oversized brown satchel swung her torso, bouncing around as she pumped her arms forward. Two Serperior, both of who were looking embarrassed, slithered their fastest in an effort to catch up with the young one.

The bigger one panted. "Erin, can you slow down a little please?" He was out of breath as the other Serperior gave him an amused side eye.

The Snivy stopped momentarily and looked back at the older Pokemon. "Oh...sorry about that, daddy." She said sheepishly, scratching the back of her head. Steadying down, the two Serperior caught up to her before the much older Serpeior collapsed, his breath heaving in and out comically.

The other Serperior, a female one, gave him an amused look. "You know, Roger, I think it's time to take Dr. Cirujano's advice and maybe start that diet and exercise routine." She mentioned, ignoring the stares her husband was getting as Pokemon walked by.

Roger's tongue hung out, his eyes swirling. "I...would rather....die.....Andrea.." He barely squeezed out.

Andrea rolled her eyes. "You're going to be there quickly at the pace you're going." She retorted. Erin, meanwhile, tugged on her father's neck.

"Daddy, you can't die here. We have to go to the cafe." Erin whined.

Tears rolled down Roger's cheeks. "Okay, but can we please go slower." He cried.

Now skipping at her parents' side, they made their way much more slowly down the street. Erin's eyes shone as they fixated on the upturned ship she had seen a million times. However, their destination lay right across the street from it, resting on the corner of the street they were walking down. The cafe was light blue in color and had many flowers growing outside of it. An elderly Armaldo was tending to the flowers, humming merrily to herself. Catching the family out of the corner of her eye, she waved her hand in the air at them.

"Ah, if it isn't the Winters family! How are you doing?" She asked, smiling warmly.

Andrea returned the warm smile. "Doing well, Margaret." She replied in a friendly manner.

Roger huffed, still not fully recovered from the ordeal. "Water....please..." He gasped, earning a chuckle from his wife.

Erin bounced up and down on the spot. "Is our spot still open?" She asked, the excitement in her voice unmissable.

Margaret gave the young child a warm look as she opened the door for her. "Of course, dearie. Shall I-" No sooner did she open the door for the family did Erin dash in at a fast speed.

The inside of the shop had a nice warm glow to it, with wooden tables and chairs scattered across the main area. It was smaller on the inside, but potted plants and the smell of coffee gave the cafe a nice warm feeling on the inside.

Behind the counter on the opposite side of the door, a Mamoswine bumbled in and out of the kitchen, doing his best to make food in the small space. Behind him, spare ingredients for coffee, food items and other devices were lined up in a neat order. The cafe currently had no other customers in it, making the soft ambient music playing even clearer.

Erin, meanwhile, had dashed to a table that was by the window, a perfect view of the overturned ship she was so interested in. Placing her hands on the window, her eyes glowed as a Leavanny, who Erin recognized as Deputy Paulson, and a Gogoat were currently talking with one another, presumably about a mission.

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