The Badlands

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Hidden behind rock and stump

Lies oasis grand

Kept to the mount's fortitude:

The Bewitching Badlands.

The Badlands besieged on thorny hill

The fruit's kindness to the land: the briar's kill.

In the vastness,

Rosebuds overcame

Flourished in deceit,

Deceit- behind rose

Set all the pine aflame.

Now dead woods walk

Under perturbed sky

Sheltering skeletons whisper

"Guard the field, the red wry".

For the red wry,

Lures all but the dead

Pleasant garnish blushed for me

Feet naive to tread.

Yet, thorns tread my skin

The further I delve

Though I paid no mind, in comfort

Witnessed no striking helve.

The field shields the growls

Of wolves roaming through,

Red eyes wonderfully blend

Flowers danced in their fresh dew.

I was spun with red thread

To twine with the briar

Anchored in skin, garbed new dress

Foreign to the name 'liar'.

Growls seemed as music

Copper smelt as rose

Sky became as red velvet

Harmonizing in duress: "welcome home".

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