Chapter 1

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"Great-Grandmother! Great-Grandmother!" Small feet treading across the tatami flooring can be heard as the little cherry blossom runs to her aged great-grandmother excitedly. Himeko Senju, formally Uzumaki, was seated on a plush cushion in a seiza position on the wooden engawa veranda in one of the clan's lavish homes, which was near the main house of the Senju clan. She had long moved out of the main house where she had lived with her (now deceased) husband, Tobirama Senju, to this cozy home with a breathtaking garden. She had lived in this house with her cousin, Mito, but after her death Himeko lived alone but her family visited very frequently. Himeko was staring at the botanical garden just outside her home with a steaming cup of oolong tea at her side, her favorite, when she heard her great-granddaughter calling out her name eccentrically.

Now at the age of seventy-nine, she had lived through three great wars and had seen her child, Tomohiro, grow up into a fine man and exceptional shinobi, and seen him create his own family and watched his own son, Takashi, turn into a fine man and an exceptional shinobi just like his father. Now, together they watch as Takashi starts his own chapter in life as he creates his own family.

"Yes, Sakura-chan?" Himeko turned to face her great-granddaughter kindly. Sakura Senju, her grandson's only daughter, was without a doubt a very special little girl at the age of three, just turned recently. Born into the infamous, prominent and greatly respected Senju clan as Tobirama's great-granddaughter, Hashirama's great-grandniece, Tomohiro's granddaughter and Tsunade Senju's niece. Not only that, but now that there are no longer any of Hashirama's direct descendants in Konohagakure since his grandson, Nawaki, died during the second shinobi great war and his granddaughter left the village, who is already past the age to give birth to an heir, years ago Sakura's father, Takashi, had been formally named clan head of the Senju. Before him, his father, Tomohiro, acted as clan head since Tsunade was far too young and inexperienced to take on the role as clan head at the time and her parents had passed away years prior. Now that the succession to the clan head has been given to Tobirama's direct descendants, Sakura has been proclaimed as her father's heir to the clan.

"Look what I found!" In her hand there was a small white slug with three teal blue streaks that ran down vertically across its body. "I was under the wisteria tree reading when I noticed her. She told me her name was Lady Katsuyu, and that she was Tsunade-oba-chan's summoning. She told me if I could take her to my parents, but okaa-san and otou-san weren't home so I came here!"

Himeko was a bit surprised when the young pink haired girl showed her Lady Katsuyu, but her facial expression morphed back to it's usual kind expression. "I see. You did well in taking Lady Katsuyu to me, Sakura-chan."

The bright emerald green eyed child blushed at the praise as she smiled shyly at her great-grandmother before she scurried off.

Himeko smiled fondly at her great-granddaughter before she focused her attention on the summoned animal in her palm, "Greetings, Lady Katsuyu."

"Good day to you as well, Himeko-san." Katsuyu said in her usual soft voice, "As you may have guessed, Mistress Tsunade has entrusted me with a message. She will be coming back to the Hidden Leaf village, but only for a day or two, then she will immediately return to her travels. She said that the only reason she will be visiting is to meet her niece at least once."

"Oh, I see. I'm glad. Tell her that we will be awaiting her arrival eagerly, and that this will be kept between the main family, the clan elders and Hokage-sama." The woman had a sad smile on as the slug suddenly poofed out of existence.


Sakura ran back all the way to her home after doing what Lady Katsuyu had instructed. That was the first time she had ever seen a summoning. Her eyes shined even brighter, if that was even possible, when she had told her that she was Tsunade's own personal summoning.

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