Chapter 5

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"Concentrate." Himeko said as she critically observed the brunette, "You will have to constantly channel and maintain a steady stream of chakra to the hundred healing seal rhombus. And keep in mind, this is not something easily acquired. It will take years for someone to gain this power."

"Hai." Rin mumbled as she maintained the lotus position. Himeko agreed to help her train and guide her to get the seal of a hundred healings, but there were some conditions she had to abide by. Conditions that included using less chakra and fewer A-rank missions for the sake of the jutsu.

The elder Uzumaki looked at the Jinchuriki one last time, feeling pride swell up in her before leaving the brunette to her training towards the engawa. She sighed tiredly as she sat down on the zabuton, feeling her old bones groan when she bent down. Though she had never been on the front lines in a major war or done anything as extreme to cause irreversible damage, age has worn her down, living through three great shinobi wars was quite burdensome on her, both physically and mentally.

"Rin's doing really well, isn't she?"

Himeko smiled at that, making the wrinkles crease in a fond manner. "Yes. She is."

"Hmm..." The Senju matriarch hummed as she sat down next to the elder Uzumaki. "You'll be showing her your most advanced seals?"

"Yes. She's ready." Himeko confirmed confidently before looking back at the pinkette with a hint of curiosity at her rather plain outfit. "Are you planning to go out?"

Sayuri smiled, "Yes. Sakura wanted to introduce me to the little friend she made at the park the other day. Inoichi's kid."

"Oh, the Yamanaka." I'm glad that she made a friend. "While you're out, would you mind picking up some oolong tea, the one brought back from Kusagakure from your family's store. I'm almost out of them."

"Of course!"


Ino tugged at her father's hand, "Tou-chan, hurry up! Sakura-chan's probably already waiting!"

"I'm coming, Ino" He sighed as he followed closely behind his daughter who was quite irritated for a three year old. She ate quickly, yet as proper as she could back at home since they were running late to meet with Ino's new friend. He had been curious to meet her since for the last week or so all that Ino talked about was about a certain 'Sakura-chan'. She's been happier and more eccentric since then, especially because her only playmates were her cousins who are a few years older than her and Shikamaru and Choji, so he was glad his daughter made a friend.

The platinum blonde let go of her father's hand when they reached the park and started sprinting forward when she caught a glimpse of pink. "Sakura-chan!"

At the call of her name, emerald eyes soon landed on the girl, "Ino-chan!"

Inoichi smiled down at his daughter and her little friend before a certain feature caught his eye. Pink hair...? But the only person with pink in the village is-

"Hello Inoichi, long time no see, huh?"

His eyes snapped forward to the Senju matriarch. "Sayuri. What a coincidence."

The pinkette chuckled, "Heh, indeed."

"You haven't been around the village often. We were all wondering about you." Inoichi suddenly blurted out the thought that had been nagging at the back of his head. Tsume had been wondering about that during one of the clan meetings since there weren't any 'competent' medical ninjas other than Rin working in the hospital.

"Hm yeah. Mikoto said the same thing." The former kunoichi put her hand to her chin, "Yeah, I had to stay in the compound along with Sakura because of the elders' insistence."

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