Chapter 10

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The moon stood at its fullest, illuminating the cool night as shadows danced in the darkness. A light breeze gently shook the plum trees leaves, stirring them from their place and thrusting them mercilessly down to the grass below. Unbeknownst to any and all, a single form shrouded by the night's darkness slipped by them all soundlessly to his target. He made his way towards the south-west area of the village, where the Hyuuga clan resided as he hid his chakra. He couldn't have them discover him so soon after all.

Using the shunshin technique to body flicker past the few guards stationed around the perimeter, the man pulls up his mask to cover his face while keeping his eyes unobstructed. He makes a brief stop before heading towards the main house to his right and navigates his way through the garden to the young heiresse's quarter. He had managed to get the ground layout of the Hyuuga compound beforehand from the black market at a certain price per say.

Once he arrived at the designated area, he carefully and slowly unfastened the window open so as to not make any noise as he slipped into the young girl's room. He moved forward as he approached the bundle he suspected was the heiress on the spare futon that was spread on the floor, but froze for a moment when he noticed a second figure. The man snarled as he looked at the pink haired girl irritatingly. She had her arms wrapped around the Hyuuga heiress protectively as the younger girl clung to the end of her shirt.

If he wanted to kidnap the girl without any sort of inconveniences he needed to take care of the pink haired brat first. Killing her first came to his mind, but he's sure a Hyuuga would be able to sense if her chakra just suddenly disappeared. With no other choice, he gnashed his teeth together as he gently pried the girl from his target with a bated breath. He paused a bit when he felt the girl stir a bit in her sleep, but after waiting for a few seconds he continued to pry them off eachother. When he finally separated the two, he used his chakra to knock the girl out painlessly and put his hand on the Hyuuga heiress' mouth as he carried her with his left arm and headed out the window.

That whole ordeal took him more time than he had expected, so he needed to get out of the compound fast. His companions must've already been waiting for his return, but before he could even get too far, a small, timid voice stopped him in his tracks,


His head snapped back as his eyes immediately landed on the pink haired girl who climbed out the window after him.

There's no fucking way...


"This is delicious!" Sayuri exclaimed as she practically melted with just a single bite of the anko paste wagashi Mikoto had served to go along with the tea she had steeped. They were some of her favorite desserts, but she tries to not always eat them as to 'practice what you preach' with Sakura. Honestly, the young heiress reminded her so much of her younger self it was ironic. Like her daughter, Sayuri was also quite introverted at a young age due to her family being merchants and always traveling until she turned three as they settled down in the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Her father and uncle were both in the same trade, so whenever her parents had to go out on a trip, they left her with her uncle and aunt in Konohagakure. But despite all that, Sakura still resembles her father by far, with that burning fire and desire to protect the village and people she loves.

Muffling her laugh with her sleeve, Mikoto looks at the pinkette fondly, reminiscent of their younger days as Sayuri dragged her to bakeries and sweet shops whenever she could to try something new out. "It seems not even cruel flow time might shed your youthful glow."

A bashful blush dusted Sayuri's cheeks, a serene expression settling on her face. "I wouldn't exactly say that, but, I'd just rather live in the present than in the past. And before long, it'll be buried under the mounds of new memories I've created."

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