Chapter 3

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"Hello there Sayuri, Sakura."

The entire main branch family was present in the room for Tsunade's arrival. Himeko, Tomohiro, Akiko, Takashi, Sakura and Sayuri, who, by the way, was glad that the clan elders were not present.

She looks so young... is she really older than Okaa-san and Otou-san?

A bright smile breaks out on Sayuri's face, "Tsunade! It's so good to see you again!"

Tsunade reciprocates the smile, but on a smaller degree, "Yeah, it's good to see you all again."


Sakura's head snapped to where she heard that sound until her eyes landed on a small pale pink pig dressed up in a red dress and a pearl necklace near an unknown black haired woman. Her mouth gaped open since she has never seen a pig in real life before. She has seen all types of forest critters in the compound before as well as cats, but never a pig.

Tsunade looked back at the pig and then at her niece with amusement, "Oh, I see Tonton's caught your eye."


"Hm, she's my pet, but she usually is in Shizune's care."

The black haired woman, who Sakura now identifies as Shizune, grabs Tonton and crouches down to little Sakura's level. "Hello there Sakura-chan. I'm Kato Shizune, Tsunade-sama's apprentice, and this is Tonton. Would you like to pet her?"

Sakura blushes shyly as she nods, "Yes please." She hesitantly stretches out her hand and pets Tonton. The pig 'oink'ed' again and nuzzled her hand which got rid of any shyness or hesitancy Sakura had. The little pinkette giggled as she got closer to Tonton to pet her.

The adults looked at the scene with fond smiles. Tsunade had just officially met Sakura for the first time, but she would already deck someone, if the need arises, for her niece.

"We're all glad you're here, Tsunade." Himeko tells her niece, "I'm sure that you would want to relax for a bit, but Rin would just love to see you again."

Tsunade smiles. Months before the Kyuubi attack, near the end of the third great shinobi war, a curse tag was put on Rin's seal by some Kiri shinobi, which was would loosen the seal that had imprisoned the tailed beast inside of Rin and have it run wild once inside of Konoha. When Kakashi refused to kill Rin when she asked him to, she stepped in front of his chidori for the sake of the Village. Though, the silver haired teen barely managed to redirect his arm, so he didn't impale her through the heart but near it, through her shoulder. By the time their sensei Minato arrived, Rin had already lost a lot of blood so he used the Hiraishin, the Flying Thunder God jutsu to transport them instantly to Konoha where he had marked a location.

During that time though, Tsunade was present because her in-law, Sayuri was pregnant and was close to delivering, so Takashi had asked her to be there in case. Tsunade had agreed to return again for just that because giving birth to a Senju could be a life or death situation, she knew because her mother died giving birth to her younger brother, Nawaki.

Safe to say, Tsunade was not expecting to heal a young brunette girl who was at the brink of death and happened to be the three tails jinchūriki. At first she was reluctant, but once the situation was explained to her by her former sensei she complied. The injury wasn't fatal per say, but with the amount of blood the girl had lost, her outcome was uncertain, yet she managed to pull through thanks to Tsunade. But the problem regarding the seal was still present. Jiraiya was out of the Village, so he couldn't deal with the seal, so Minato went to the Village's other seal and fuinjutsu expert who was probably near Jiraiya's level. Himeko Uzumaki.

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