Chapter 6

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"Hinata-sama!" Akio called out in slight distress. She was a branch member of the Hyuuga clan assigned to watch over the young Hyuuga heiress, and as such had to be vigilant at all times regarding the recently turned three year old, especially when she had just been given permission to take the young Lady outside of the Hyuuga compound. "Hinata-sama!"

"Y-Yes?" At the call of her name, the dark haired child appeared, dressed in a simple light peach yukata with a lavender colored obi sash which clashed very well with the young heiress' unique characteristics found within the Huuya clan.

The girl had just turned three quite recently, but despite all the congratulations and attention she had garnered (which in reality, she wasn't very fond of), she had a passive facade on as she tried to hide her dejection at what was done to her dear cousin, Neji.

"Hinata-sama." Akio breathed out as she turned around to face the three year old, "You had me worried for a second; Remember, you mustn't stray far away from the careful vigilance of the Hyuugas considering your position as heir. You must keep that in mind at all times, alright my lady?"

"H-Hai, of course."

Akio huffed a bit, before guiding the young lady. "This way, Hinata-sama."


"Oba-san! Oji-chan!" Sayuri greeted cheerfully as she entered her family's shop, which her aunt and uncle ran. "I'm here!"

"Oh my! Sayuri dear, what a surprise." Mebuki said amiably after getting over being startled by their niece. She set aside the grocery list she was working on as she neared the pinkette. "It's nice to see you again, it feels like we haven't seen each other in ages."

"I know. The elders have been a bit stingy about keeping both me and Sakura-chan within the compound." She sighed before smiling as she gave her aunt a hug, "Still, I'm really glad to see you! But, where is Kizashi-oji-chan? He's usually always in the store..."

"Oh, no need to worry. He's just in the back to restock on some more herbs." Mebuki said kindly before switching her demeanor as she yelled at her husband to hurry up, "Kizashi! Come here quickly! There's a surprise!"

"Heh heh..." Glad to see that some things around here never change.

The older blonde shook her head, "He'll be here in a second."

Sayuri giggled a bit at the nostalgia, "Hmnh. Alrigh-"

The pinkette was soon cut off as Kizashi ironically just burst through the back door. "What!? Is something wrong!?"

Mebuki sighed at her husband's tomfoolery. As much as she loved him, he was going to destroy one of her fine china sets one day due to his antics. "Dear... look who came to visit."

"Huh?" The middle aged man looked around in confusion before his eyes landed on the cerulean blue eyed beauty. "Sayuri!"

"Oji-chan, whoa-hahaha!" The pinkette laughed as her uncle scooped her up in his arms as if she were a little girl, just like when she was no taller than the counter, and spun her around while Kizashi's exuberant laughter filled the air. They were like that for a whole minute before the two calmed down, and the man set the younger pinkette down.

"It's been too long Sayu-chan. Any more time apart, and I might have barged into the Senju compound to get you and little Sakura out myself." Kizashi joked while the pinkette giggled at the nickname her uncle had given her all those years ago.

"Oh hush. You know that Sayuri would never be separated from her family permanently." Mebuki chided her husband before turning to her niece. "You know, it would be good for Sakura-chan to meet some of her family from your side, you know. I myself have been dying to meet her."

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