Chapter 4

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Jovial laughter resonated through the air as Rin ruffled the little cherry blossom's hair affectionately. Sakura had a large smile stretched on her small face with the distinctive blush each Senju child has on her cheeks. After Tsunade's departure from the village alongside Shizune, Sayuri had asked if Rin could take Sakura to the park in her stead so she and Takashi could spend the day together. Rin had of course accepted eagerly, especially after all Sayuri and the main Senju branch family had done for her. Soon after Rin was taken under Lady Himeko's wing, she was practically made an unofficial honorary part of their family. Sayuri had taught Rin all of what she knew about medical ninjutsu and poisons. Akiko had given her some tips on how to improve her taijutsu and supervised her training here and there. Takashi helped her improve her genjutsu. Tomohiro, but mainly Himeko, taught her all she knew about fuinjutsu and about tailed beasts and as well as helped her get better in marksmanship.

Rin was especially grateful for their support after the kyuubi attack and her sensei's and Kushina's death since Kakashi started to slowly, but surely, drift away. They had covered all of her living expenses, buying her an apartment and paying all the bill's for years up until nearly a year ago when Rin had asked them to stop because they had already done so much for her. But Sayuri and Himeko being the stubborn hotheads they are, though not to the extent as they were in they're younger days, flat out refused. Eventually they had come to an agreement that the clan would only cover a little over half of her expenses after nearly an hour of debating.

After calming down a bit Sakura released Rin's hand, "Thanks for walking me to the park, nee-chan! I gotta go, Ino-chan's probably looking for me."

"Of course." Rin waived after the pinkette who ran to where Ino and her decided to meet up.


Sakura ran as fast as she could with her tiny legs before slowing down as she neared the sandbox. There were other kids already playing there and making sandcastles, but Sakura didn't pay them any attention as she plopped down at one of the corners of the sandbox. She was so entranced in her own little world as she started building her own little sand castle, Sakura didn't notice the approaching shadows.

"Hey you!"

"Hm?" Sakura looked up to see three girls looming over her. "Me?"

The girl in front, one with purple hair and dark brown eyes who Sakura takes as the ringleader, wore an ugly snarl as she addressed Sakura, "Yeah, you ugly."

Sakura froze as the other two girls laughed.


"What are you doing here forehead? I've never seen you you before."

Sakura flinched at the words so full of malice and animosity, "O-Oh, um..."

" 'O-Oh, um...' " The girl at the left mimicked with a shrill weak voice, "Use words, or are just that stupid."

Tears gathered in Sakura's eyes as she bit her lower lip to stop it from trembling which prompted the girls to burst out laughing.

"Look! She's already crying. Haha"

"Huh..." The pinkette subconsciously touched her cheek and felt it wet.

Oh... am I crying...?

"Why... Why are you doing this?"

The ringleader abruptly stops as she harshly pokes Sakura right on her forehead. "For someone with a forehead as big as yours, you'd think you'd at least have some brains!"

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