Chapter 16: And The Winner Is...Ali

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Ali ducked behind a corner at the end of the hall inside Rosewood Day. She watched as Hanna shrugged out of her red Chloé leather jacket and tossed it into her locker as Dvorak's New World Symphony played loudly over the hallway speakers. Naomi, Riley, and Kate were next to her, chattering about all the boys who had gotten instant crushes on Kate—all because Chloe had put in a good word.

Speaking of Chloe, she was standing a few feet away from them, gazing out at the hallway. Ali crouched behind the wall, hoping Chloe wouldn't see her. She wondered if Chloe was going to sneak up on her, just like she'd done yesterday morning. But she stayed in her spot near Hanna, Kate, Naomi, and Riley.

"Maybe you should keep your options open," Naomi was saying, draining the last little bit of her hazelnut cappuccino. "Eric Kahn is really sexy, but Mason Byers is the catch of Rosewood Day. Whenever he opens his mouth I want to tear off his clothes." Mason's family had lived in Sydney for ten years, so he spoke with a slight Australian accent. He sounded like he'd spent his whole life on a sun-soaked beach.

"Mason's on the volleyball team." Riley's eyes lit up. "I saw a yearbook proof of him at a recent tournament—he had his shirt off. Gor-geous."

"Doesn't the volleyball team practice after school?" Naomi rubbed her hands together excitedly. "Maybe we all should make a special appearance as Mason's personal cheering section." She looked at Kate for approval.

Kate gave her a high five. "I'm game." She turned to Hanna. "What do you think, Han? You in?"

Hanna looked back and forth between them, flustered. "I have to leave school early today.... I have that trial thing."

"Oh." Kate's face clouded. "Right."

Naomi turned to Chloe. "How about you, Chloe?"

Chloe shook her head. "I have to leave early for the trial, too."

Kate, Naomi, and Riley went back to gossiping about Mason. Chloe leaned closer to Hanna and whispered something Ali couldn't hear. When they moved apart from each other, Hanna shrugged, as though she didn't know something or was confused about what Chloe was talking about.

Ali peered around the corner and saw Jenna Cavanaugh slipping into an empty classroom, her dog in tow. Every time Ali saw Jenna, she kept a close eye on her, making sure Jenna wouldn't reveal her secret. She was the only person in Rosewood aside from Melissa who knew about Ali's history of being in and out of mental hospitals. Ali was sure she wouldn't tell anyone. But if she did, Ali would have to make sure she'd never be able to tell anyone's secret ever again.

There was also a hint of jealousy there, too. But only because she also had Chloe's attention. Chloe was her little sister, not Jenna's.

Ali continued to watch them as a rush of students drifted past them. A bunch of them were kids heading to drivers' ed, their Pennsylvania driving rules booklets in their hands. Then Hanna shut her locker and started to walk with Chloe, Kate, Naomi, and Riley.

Ali followed them as they turned the corner and began walking down the hall together. They stopped, and Kate turned to Hanna and Chloe. "Meet us at Steam next period?" she said.

Hanna and Chloe nodded in unison. Kate blew them a kiss and disappeared around the corner with Naomi and Riley.

Hanna and Chloe whirled around and pushed into the girls bathroom. Ali crept around the corner and crouched near the door. She waited, listening for any sounds coming from Hanna or Chloe. But there was nothing.

Ali pulled out her phone and began typing. When she pressed SEND, she read the message silently to herself.

Hanna—A glutton for Cheez-Its...and punishment, too, it seems. Ruin her before she ruins you.


Seconds later, Ali's phone lit up with two replies: one from Hanna and one from Chloe.

Rot in hell. You don't know a thing about me, Hanna's text read. An efficient little ping went off inside the bathroom, probably from Hanna's phone to indicate the text had been sent.

Ali read Chloe's message and cocked her head. I know it's you, Ali. I know you're A. But you don't have to be.

Ali opened up a reply text to Hanna and began to type again.

I know that someone sometimes makes Chloe hang out with her clique at school. And I know someone's happy because they get to have Chloe's attention. And I know someone who stole Chloe away from the only person who loves her. How do I know so much? Because I grew up in Rosewood, Hannakins. Just like you.


"Screw this Noveau A," Hanna said. "I've had enough of this."

"I think we all have," Chloe said.

Footsteps sounded toward the door, and Ali ducked behind the corner. She watched as they left the bathroom, said their goodbyes, and went their separate ways to their classes. Ali felt a little hurt by what Chloe had said just now. Didn't she realize how much Ali loved her and that everything Ali was doing was for her?

A vibrating sensation from Ali's pocket made her jump. She pulled out her phone again, and it was another message from Chloe.

Look under the bathroom sink.

Ali's head shot up. She looked this way, then that, making sure no one was around. Then she slipped through the door and into the girls' bathroom. Thankfully, it was empty. The sharp, ammonia smell of cleaning products filled her nose.

She looked around, worried someone might be in here. The little mosaic-tiled bathroom was still. A droplet of water leaked from the sink. The chrome hand dryers made Ali's face look bulbous and misshapen. She peeked underneath the stall doors for feet. No one.

Then something silver caught her eye. Ali knelt down on one knee and reached under the sink for the silvery object. When her fingers curled around it, she hesitated. Chloe somehow knew that Ali was A. Maybe it was because she knew Ali better than anyone else. And maybe she was trying to make Ali realize that she didn't have to be A. That would definitely explain the sentimental items she'd been leaving around for Ali to find. Chloe knew that Ali would feel happy. Perhaps she was trying to appeal to the part of Ali that wasn't crazy, the part of her that was capable of love.

But what Chloe didn't realize was that Ali was A because she loved her. All of this was for her.

Ali pulled the silvery object out from under the sink. Her jaw dropped, and her heart beat fast from excitement. It was her initial ring, the one she'd lost the night before the switch happened, sending her away to the Preserve.

Ali rooted around in her pockets and pulled out a key from the secret pocket sewn into her jeans. She couldn't wait for the benefit tomorrow night at Spencer's house. The plan to ruin the four girls was already in motion. All that needed to be done now was to get Chloe back.

Ali put the key back into her secret pocket. Then she traced her finger over the silvery A. "Thank you, Chloe."

Ali kissed the ring, knowing Chloe's tiny fingers had just touched it moments ago. Then she stood up, rushed to one of the sinks, and leaned over the basin.

"I'm Ali, and I'm fabulous," Ali said to her reflection. She put the ring on her right pointer finger and flashed a winning, pleading smile into the mirror. She was going to be beautiful, irresistible Ali D again. She was going to make everyone fall in love with her, even Chloe.

And she was going to get Chloe back, whether Chloe liked it or not.

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