Chapter 6: Chloe's Church Miracle

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Monday evening, Ali hid in the cornfields behind Emily's house, watching her as she just got home from swim practice. Courtney and Chloe trailed behind her as she made her way to the stairs. Seconds later, a door shut closed, and Emily appeared in her room, flopping down on her bed. When Courtney and Chloe came into the room, Ali felt strong hate. They'd gone to Emily's swim practice together—Ali thought it was lame to see Courtney and Emily display so much PDA—but the fact that they got to spend time with Chloe made her jealous and angry.

Chloe flipped on the radio and spun the dial. As she passed a news station, she heard a chilling, familiar name and paused.

"Ian Thomas's trial begins on Friday morning in Rosewood," a clipped, efficient-sounding newswoman said. "However, Mr. Thomas staunchly denies involvement in the Courtney and Chloe DiLaurentis case , and some sources close to the district attorney's office are saying his case might not even go to trial due to insufficient evidence."

Emily sat up in bed, looking dizzy. Courtney sat down next to her, taking her hand. Chloe perched on the opposite side of Emily, leaning on her shoulder. Ali remembered how she'd beg her parents to have Chloe come with them every time they picked her up from the Radley. Chloe was always reluctant, which hurt Ali's feelings, but all that mattered was that she came. During the car rides to the house, Ali and Chloe sat in the backseat together. When Chloe was tired, she'd lean her head on Ali's shoulder, and Ali would stroke her hair as she fell asleep. Then, when Mr. DiLaurentis would carry Chloe from the car to her room, Ali would tease Courtney about how Chloe was with her in the car and not at home with Courtney.

"Chloe loves me more, you know," Ali teased. "She fell asleep on my shoulder when we were driving over here."

"If she loves you more, then why hasn't she come to visit you at all these past few months?" Courtney asked.

Ali wanted to reach out and grab Courtney, but then Mrs. DiLaurentis emerged into the kitchen. "Chloe looks so peaceful when she sleeps."

Chloe, Ali thought. She turned to go upstairs, but her mother called after her.

"Alison, are you going upstairs to Chloe's room?"

Ali nodded. "Uh-huh. I just want to lay down by her while she sleeps." Ali lowered her head, trying to look vulnerable. "I miss her."

Mrs. DiLaurentis sighed. "Don't the wake her up."

Ali smiled. Then she looked at Courtney sinisterly. "I won't." Yes. Another win for Ali D.

Ali walked upstairs to Chloe's room, shut the door, and crawled into bed with her, wrapping her arms around Chloe and falling asleep as she held her little sister close to her.

Now as Ali stood outside, watching Chloe lean on Emily the same way she used to do with her, that same jealous feeling came back to her again. Chloe turned up the volume, waiting to hear whether the newscaster would say anything else, but the station had already moved on to a Shadow Traffic report.

There was a soft knock on the bedroom door. Mrs. Fields stuck her head in. "Dinner's ready. I made homemade mac and cheese."

Emily pulled a stuffed walrus to her chest. "I'm not hungry."

"I am," Chloe chimed in.

Everyone laughed, even Ali. This was another reason why Ali loved Chloe so much. She could always make anyone laugh.

Mrs. Fields walked into the room, wiping her hands on her chicken-printed apron. "Are you okay?"

"Uh-huh," Emily lied. But Courtney and Chloe had been comforting Emily all day at school—Ali had seen everything—including Chloe pouring hot coffee all over Kate. Ali had to admit she was impressed by Chloe's move, but she couldn't believe it at the same time. Then again, Chloe was the queen bee of Rosewood Day, and she had to let her power be known. After all, she'd learned it from Ali.

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