Chapter 11

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It was July when I finally revealed something. It was vrishti's personal diary which I got from her cupboard after her funeral. She knew about her medical condition. On her birthday when she got her memory back, she wanted to tell me but she could not. She wanted to tell me on the party day as well. All this time she tried to tell me that she was dying slowly.

I gave that diary to Ashish. He read it aloud in front of me.

"It was my birthday today. The doctor called up to tell me about some medical condition. They told me I don't have much time left. I need to tell this to Vaishnavi. She needs to know that my head has internal injury and I am slowly bleeding inside my brain. I won't live more. Ashish was so happy today. I could not spoil his happiness. I just wish his smile never gets lost."

"She knew it. I just cannot believe." He exclaimed. He continued reading next page.

"I was excited about party. Today I will tell Vaishnavi about everything. She will handle Ashish. I know he loves me but he will get only pain. Only pain. I just wish everything gets sorted out.

Ashish was amazed as he changed pages. "Why didn't you give this to me earlier?" he enquired.

"You were not in a condition to handle this. Read it further." I replied.

He read it further.

"In the party, I could not even enjoy for a single moment. I did not get time to tell anyone. Ashish proposed me. I accepted. I don't know how to react. I could not say no. just I was so overwhelmed. Emotions overflew my eyes. I had an ocean within me but I could not say a word. I just wish I could have told him that he would regret this throughout his life.

His eyes were wet. "Read next pages Ashish." I exclaimed. He continued changing pages.

"Dear diary,
I know when I will die, Vaishnavi will find you. So I am leaving a note for her here.
Vaishnavi, when you will find this, perhaps I would not be there. I am leaving you with a responsibility. Please take care of Ashish. He may not be able to cope up life without me. He is very tender hearted. I know that you love him and you're the only one who knows how to handle him. Take care of both of you sweetheart. Give this diary to Ashish once he recovers.

"You... you got this before and did not give me. I hate you. I loved her." He was sobbing. "Read it Ashish. Complete reading out the last page." I asked him smiling though with wet eyes.

"Dear diary,
Vaishnavi will give this to Ashish and hence I am leaving a note for him too.
Ashish I will not be there to wipe your tears when you will read this. Please be brave. I tried a hell lot to tell you people that I am leaving. I don't know this will be after marriage or before it but I really want to say that I love you and I won't like it in heaven that you destroy yourself after me. Keep on smiling and try to move on in life. Stay blessed. I love you.

He started crying like a baby after reading this. He hugged me tight and was sobbing and weeping. He screamed and yelled and I kept holding him until he became a bit normal.

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