Rumor #2: His Mom, the Candle Maker

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Rumor has it that the new kid's mom opened up a candle store when they moved over. She has her mother work the register and after hours, she has her son restock the shelves as she finds new appealing scents for candles.

Gizzy slumped out of the shop I saw him leave yesterday. He turned to look at me.

"Oh," he yawns. "Sup, dude." He says, looking downwards at me. I hate being short. But then again, I think he has to look down at everyone.

"Hey, Gizzy." I say, really tired, rubbing my eyes. "How'd the rest of your day go?"

We started walking and talking to each other. He told me about him stocking the shelves back at that store and that his family runs that store. We cross the alleyway he was in yesterday.

"I hop off here. See ya, man." He yawned. He started walking off, but I stood ony tiptoes and pinches him on his ear. He let out a high pitched yelp and started trying to walk free. I pinched harder the more he struggled.

"Oh no, bitch. You skipped yesterday. You aren't in school until you get introduced to your classes." I was smiling this whole time, very earily and scary kind of. Like a threatening smile? I guess that makes sense. "You. ARE. Going. Today."

He caved. "F-fine! Just let go of my ear!" He squeeled. Such a big guy, but he squeels like a little girl. Hehe.

It turned out we only had one class together. Chemistry. I hope to god that isn't a sign of something. Don't get me wrong, I like guys as much as a high school girl does, but if I fall in love with him, I may just die of laughter just out from the shear irony of it all.

"Hello class! Today we have a new student. Gizro Johnson, could you please come in?" The teacher introduced. Gizro came walking in, and he was scratching the side of his head.

"Yeah, yeah, teach! I'm coming'!" He rudely shouted.

"Other than his loud and rude conduct, Gizro here will be attending this class for third period for the rest of the semester. I hope you all get along well. Also, Gizro, your shirt is against school dress code." The teacher snarkily pointed out. Gizzy looked around at him. He was wearing a dark blue wife beater and pair of denim jeans.

"What about it?" He asked.

"Your shirt. We don't allow wife beaters or tank tops. Cover it up or go change." The teacher demanded.

"B-but I don't-" Gizzy started. By the time the teacher had started, I had already started removing my coat. It would be small on him, but it would get the teacher off his ass.

"Gizzy!" I shouted, holding the balled up coat in one hand. I threw it to him and he caught it. It was a denim jacket. Not very fashionable, but it works.

"There's a solution. Thanks, Jared. Since you two seem to be good friends already, you two can sit by one another." He grumbled. Gizzy sauntered over and he was wearing the jacket. It was small on him, as expected, but he pulled it off.

"Guess you ain't a drag after all." He chuckled. He propped his chin on his hands.

"Anything to piss off Mr. Dickbutt." I said, devilishly.

Class passed by and then there was lunch, the only thing he and I shared besides chemistry and the walks to and from school.

"Dude, this food is just plain gross. I think my sloppy Joe is moving still..." Gizzy said. He poked it with a fork and it writhed. Everyone pushed their trays away from themselves.

While everyone was eating their living barbeque, Gizzy and I walked around the courtyard. The courtyard was beautiful, like a Japanese park except less walkways, benches, playgrounds and rivers. There were cherry blossoms though, and they made the courtyard gorgeous.

"I guess this place isn't half bad." He said, pulling out a cigarette from his back pocket and placing it in his mouth as he dug a lighter out of one of his front ones.

As he went to light it, I snagged the smoke from his mouth.

"Bad." I scolded, pointing at him with the cigarette I stole. "Don't smoke on school property. People have bad asthma here." I told him.

"Like you?" He asked me.

"I ain't an asthmatic!" I told him. "But other people are. So be courteous of them."

He sighed like I was nagging him. "Fine..." He put the lighter up and took the cigarette back to put back inside his pockets.

"You can smoke any other time, just not at school." I said. "Besides, black lungs suck." I joked. We laughed a little bit.

School ended and we walked home together.

"Hey, why don't I introduce you to the folks?" He asked, pointing into his store with his thumb.

"Sure. I got nothing to do today." I said and he shoved me in, almost happy I'm getting to meet his family or something.

"Ma! Grammy! Made a new friend! Get your asses out here!" He yelled.

Two smaller ladies came through the door. Both were slightly shorter than I was. One wearing a pink shirt with a white apron and the other with a white shirt and white pants.

"Oh, how lovely! You made a friend, Gizzy! What's your name? Where are you from? Are you working for the KGB!?" She bombarded, question after question and with each one, not giving me room to answer, she got closer and closer into my personal space.

"Ma, you're suffocating' 'im!" Gizzy attempted to pry her away from me, but she finally let the questions end.

"Uh... Jared. Here. No. I can't eat dairy. My mom is not a firefighter. My dad eats tacos on Monday, generally." I answer all the obscure questions, nervously, but they get answered.

She backs off and reals her head back, cupping her hands to her mouth to make a megaphone of sorts. And in the deapest and most shrill voice a woman can make, she yelled, "HE'S CLEAN!"

Suddenly, three more family members came pouring in from the upstairs complex. A little boy, another woman, this one wearing café, poetry club chic, and a dwarf.

"Alright!" Gizzy announced. "You just met Ma and Grammy! Here's little bro, sis and Pa!" It's weird seeing people shorter than me, especially a grown man. Then I did a comparison of the whole family. Both sides are much smaller than Gizzy.

"The hell!? Why are you all so short but make someone so tall!?" I question, rudely.

"It skipped a generation for him." The sister said in a dull voice, revealing she was chewing gum. Gizzy took a proud pose and chuckled. I was looking at a family of misfits... AWESOME!!!

We all passed the time, and they told me they run a candle store, selling name brand and their own brand. They also told me about how the little brother hopes to be a baseball star, the sister is going to an art college out of state next month and how the dad works as a mechanic not too far down the road.

Time flew, and Gizzy walked me home. It was sunset, my favorite time of day. It looked beautiful where I lived. I lived atop a hill that overlooked the city. The town looked amazing at this time. And Gizzy saw it with me.

"It's amazing." He said, awe inspired.

"Yeah. It is. It's even better, getting to share it with another person." I said, quietly.

"Jared..." Gizzy said quietly.

"Ye-" I started, turning towards him as he plugged a kiss into my mouth. I was frightened by the suddenness, but I gave in and kissed back. It was warm and strangely felt... Right. We sat like that for a few minutes, then he pulled back. I just laughed, falling ontoy back and rolling around.

"Of course you're gay! This couldn't get any more clichéd!" I laugh, breaking to tears from the pain laughter was causing my sides.

"Sh-shut up! It's not like you didn't make it obvious that you were, too!" He rebuttaled loudly, blushing. I stopped laughing and sat up.

"It's okay. I always hoped I'd have a punk for a boyfriend." I said, kissing him on the lips for a second and then going inside my house. Gizzy just sat there, blushing with his mouth unhinged. He got a boyfriend.

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