Rumor #5: The Sin of Pride

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It's been three days since I was kicked out of my house. My wallet is practically empty now, and I have yet to even get a job, let alone a different form of shelter. And I am NOT going to sleep in the garbage. The bright side is that the weekend is tomorrow. Fina-fuckin'-ly, I can spend the night at Gizzy's house without having to tell him everything.

On the way to school, walking with Gizzy, I glance around to look for my ass hole of a cousin, Kaitlyn. She's the one who got me into this mess, and she was the only person in my family I ever told that I was gay. I guess telling even her was a mistake. She seemed so trustworthy and caring and kind. Now she's just a backstabbing traitor who I've murdered a countless number of times in my head already.

"Jared!? Yoohoo! You even listenin' to me?" Gizzy says as if he was really far away. Guess I wasn't paying any attention to him after all. I shrug my shoulders mentally, and shake my head in reality.

"Oh, sorry! What about Huey?" Huey was the name of his little brother. You know, the one obsessed with baseball? He actually won his team the game yesterday, but I wasn't there to see it. I think he was scared of me because he never came into any rooms I was in when I went over to Gizzy's. And when I had dinner over there on Wednesday, he kept asking his parents constantly if he could eat it in his room, with the continuous answer of "What's wrong with the table? You didn't dream it ate you again, did you?" And everyone laughed but me. I guess it was an inside joke.

"Anyways, last night was amazing. He just barely got to the home plate in time." He portrayed it using our hands as the home plate and his free one as Huey. I laughed because I could picture it happening vividly. He took my hand up to his lips and kissed it. "It would have been much better if you were there with me though." He said warmly. It was almost a kind of seductive tone I think. Never was good at pinpointing out subtle hints in voices.

"I bet it would have." I chuckled and kissed him on the lips. Only a quick peck. Then he pecked my lips. Then we went back and forth and had to rush to the bathroom for a full blown make out session. You know the thing about spontaneous combustion? Yeah that may as well be what just happened. Spontaneous kissbustion. It lasted a fair seven minutes and then we pulled off of each other.

"We're gonna be late, gizzy." I say, chuckling. I cough a little bit.

"I guess. You okay though? You look kind of pale." He asked, getting a hold of me with both hands on my shoulders. He looked compassionate. Er... Well... As compassionate as you can get while looking like a muscley street thug with a scar on you right bicep. I take a glance into the mirror of the bathroom. I. Looked. Like. Crap. Not only did my hair look a bit messier than I liked it to be, but I was pale and had a few bruises on me here and there. Glad I was wearing perfume though! ... I see you silently judging me. Don't do that.

But I guess that'll happen when you sleep out in the open with nothing to cover you. You're completely exposed to the harsh air and whatever rain may fall on you. I'm officially getting sick.

"Oh, don't worry." I cough again. It was a harsh and rough cough that left a tingling in my throat after it left. I really am sick. But I can't let him know. I can't let him worry. "I'm just fine, Gizzy."

He let go of my shoulders and grabbed my hand, still looking at me with concern in his eyes. We walked on over to our classes. It felt like a long time until chemistry hit, and I was coughing a lot more waiting than I was on the way to school. The teacher asked me if I needed water. I declined. I don't need water. I need an education, dammit!

When chemistry swung around, I was still coughing like a chain smoker. My throat was in pain and my voice sounded rough and ragged. "Are you sure you're okay?" Gizzy whispered to me, interrupting the lecture. He stayed awake this time, hopefully out of wanting to learn and not trying to stay concerned for me.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." I reassure him, followed by a couple more harsh coughs.

I detached from Gizzy during lunch. I had to find Kaitlyn. I needed to confront that bitch. I ran around the school looking for her, and, lo and behold, she was flirting with her sixteenth boyfriend. That damn slut.

"Kaitlyn Deloris Janna Smith!" I shove her boyfriend out of the wag, despite the size difference. She looks down at me and sighs.

"I'll talk to you in a second, babe. Then we can get started." She said in a highly noticeable seductive tone. The guy blushed and walked away. She waiwaited for him to turn the corner and then turned to glare at me.

"The hell you want, fag bag?" She asked in a rough, harsh and aggressive tone. Nothing at all like she talked earlier.

"You gave my parents proof I was gay! That's what I want! I want you to explain to me-" I cough a few more coughs. "-Why the hell you did that!?"

She groaned and leaned onto the lockers. Her boobs bounced and crosses her arms just under them.

"You're a pain in the ass, faggot. They aren't even your real parents, so why the hell do you care!?" I glared at her with intense hatred. She let out a sigh if annoyance and let her hand look like it was holding something up while the other lay across her body. "I told them because I hate you. You're gay. Homosexuality is against Christ. You also didn't pay for half the shit you stole from me that you swore you'd give back, AND you ate my favorite snack I brought from home at lunch a few weeks ago! So there! Happy?" She explained it all to me as if I were a kid or something, except with a rising tone to express her anger.

I can't even bother with her. I sigh and stomp away, coughing. I start coughing harder. She leaves and chases after her boyfriend. I didn't care though. I was still coughing. I kept coughing harder and harder and I eventually fell to my knees.I let up my coughing long enough to take a look at my hand. There was some blood on it. I continued to cough and cough, as I hear Gizzy yell my name and rush towards me. I black out.

Hey everybody, Kenn here! Sorry this part took a while to upload. Had a lot of shit to do and not really enough time to update this. I'll hopefully get the next part out much sooner than I did this one. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I may or may not talk to you guys in the next one. Arrivaderci!

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