Rumor #3: The Broken Windows

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Rumor has it that Gizzy used to be in a really violent gang. He would bust up cars and even severely injure innocent bystandards without just cause.

Gizzy waited in front of the candle store, patiently waiting for me. When I came into Hus view, he smiled and ran towards me.

"Hey, babe!" He said. He snatched my hand into his and started walking beside me.

"Uh... Giz. Can I tell you something?" I started, slightly scared.

"What is it?" He asked me, concerned.

"It's just... That was really fast and sudden." I started.

"Oh... Heat of the moment thing, huh?" He muttered depressed and looking down. His hand loosened its grip.

"Oh, no, its not that. I like you, kinda. I really do." I grip his hand tighter. "I just thought that I really don't know much about you."

"Oh. I guess that's true. So you willin' to still try bein' my boyfriend then?" He asked, kinda scared I might reject him. I chuckled and grabbed his strong arm with my other free hand and lean on him.

"Of course!" And with how cute I was acting, he looked away and blushed.

As we walked into school, everyone else saw the exact same thing. Two males, one giant thug and one midgit ditz, holding hands and locked in arms. Everyone knew I was gay, but everyone was really shocked. Nobody even knew Gizzy. They didn't know he was gay. Even then, they probably thought "Damn, he works fast!" Or "Hide your man, he can turn 'em!"

We didn't care about the looks. Well I didn't. Gizzy was as red as a tomato.

The day passed on and chemistry went by with a lot of flirting. Enough that the teacher almost sent us to the principal. We saw each other between every class and had lunch together, and by lunch, I mean he fell asleep with Hus head nested in the crook of my neck. Everyone giggled and said "awww", but I glared them away.

The moment school released, on of my other friends, a sophomore named Cierra ran up to me. She was not much taller than me, but she was much more well developed than most other girls. She was panicked and bouncing up and down, subsequently causing her boobs to bounce as well... Right in my face... I was threatening to slap them in my head.

"What is it, girl?" I asked, trying to look at her face through her huge bouncing clevage.

"It's news! It's gossip! It's spreading like wildfire!" She said, panicking and loudly in her valley girl voice.

"Spill!" I yelled.

"Gizro! He's a crook! He's a criminal! He's a gangsta!" She said.

"Cosa?" I ask with the little knowledge of Italian I have.

"Okay, so your man apparently used to be in a gang and he robbed stores and killed people and-" I shoved my index finger over her lips.

"He's been here for THREE DAYS, Cierra! It's a tad early to follow a rumor that huge." I said. She shoved my hand away and then stomped foot in her stilettoes to show she was getting angry.

"Ugh! But he even looks like a gang member, wearing torn jeans and muscle tight shirts and that denim jacket!" She whines.

"I gave him the jacket, Cierra! If you were awake in chem, you'd know that and would be passing!" I said.

"Ugh, you just don't understand me! I'm saying he looks like a gangsta!" She yelled shrilly. Suddenly, Gizzy came up behind me and hugged me gently.

"Who's the gangsta? I'll kick their ass!" He said, loudly in my ear. Cierra screamed sharply and ran away.

"The hell's her deal?" He said, utterly confused.

"Nothing, she's just really hyperactive. Ready to head out, babe?" I ask him.

"Let's go!" He announced as he clutched my hand.

We went to the park and looked out at everyone running around as we just walked through, talking and giggling.

"And that's when the moth came to the front of the car and my mom freaked the fuck out. We nearly crashed into the hotel we were stayin' at!" He said. And I laughed my hyena laugh.

"That's great. I can't top that. How about another story? Maybe one involving a gang or something?" I asked, casually, but it was obvious what I was doing.

"Oh come on, not you too!" He whined. "I ain't never been in a gang or participated in any gang activities or any of that shit." He sighed.

"I believe you," I said,"but that scar on your left bicep doesn't." I giggle.

"Don't make fun of my bicep scar!" He yelled, blushing. I giggled. He tries hard to be intimidating, but he ain't that tough. He sighed.

"I got this scar when I was thirteen. I got into a fight with my sis, and she shoved me down in an alley. There was a pipe there, and my arm landed on it just so that it slashed it open." Gizzy explained, kinda depressingly. "She rushed me back home, got the peroxide, disinfected it, bandaged it and then rushed me to the hospital, telling my parents that I fell on the pipe... I went along. I didn't want her in trouble."

"Oh... I'm sorry for believing the rumor a bit..." I said, feeling really bad now. He picked me up and squeezed me into a huge bear hug, giving me the dealing like he was trying to break my spine and ribs!

"Don't look sad, you look like a gigollo when you're sad!" He yelled.

"I don't look like a gigollo ever!" I screamed, kinda choked sounding since he was virtually breaking every bone in my upper body.

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