Rumor #11: Do it for Him

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I walk closer as she begins to release her grip on the weapon and Giz simultaneously. As her hold weakened and her blade lowered far enough, Giz forced his way out of her and dashed to me, clotheslining me and immediately grabbing hold with one arm. As he sprinted away with me in his grasp, Cierra sighs.

"We have to do this the hard way then." She says, agitated by the effort she has to use. She takes out a home made pipe bomb from her back pocket and chuckles. "Well, I was going to use this on him anyways. Guess I'll have to crush them both~!" She sings, cackling as she activates it and chucking it down the hall, hard enough to bounce it off the wall and down the stairs. Giz stops in the nick of time at the top of the stairs as the bomb explodes at the bottom, starting a fire and collapsing the bottom half. As he looks for another way, Cierra pops out of the room and gently rests her head against the side of a knife.

"Awww, it didn't blow you to smitherines..." She pouts, putting her lips out as if she were a little kid and then quickly shaking it off and replacing it with a face of insanity. "Oh well. This time I can see your blood myself!" She shouts as she makes a bee-line for Giz.

As she lunges forward, Giz holds me close as he moves out the way. He swerves past her and down the hall to a room where the floor is rotting and falling apart. As Cierra cackles, Giz sets me free and runs towards to corner of the room where he proceeds to jump as high as he can. On the way down from the jump, he crashes through the floor, shattering the wood with a hard kick with the added force of gravity. The fire has spread through the hall and across the bottom floor completely and Cierra laughs maniacally on her way into the room.

"Jared, get down here! Hurry!" He screams. I run to the hole as fast as I can, but before I could even think of jumping down, Cierra gets a death hold on my arm.

"Oh no you don't!" She rasps, angrily.

"Jared!" Giz yells as I try to fight Cierra, but I can't wrestle my arm back. I try to punch her, but she grabs my hand.

"Uh uh uh~! Don't you know it's rude to hit a woman!?" She humors, quickly headbutting me afterwards. I scream as I fall backwards and careen down the gap in the floor, flames finally consuming most of the building by this point.

Giz grabs me in his arms to break the fall, warm blood dripping down my forehead from the attack. I look up and see Cierra diving down, attempting to plunge the knife she held into one of us.

"Move Giz!" I say as I push myself out of his harms and both of us out of the way. However, this puts Cierra in the middle. The knife lodges itself into the floor hard enough to have Cierra struggling to get it back. She eventually gives up and picks up a sharp piece of rotting wood that was made when Giz crashed down.

"Can't keep them all I suppose." She mutters to herself. She shrugs and turns towards Giz, brandishing her wood in his direction. "Now let's finish what we started?" She said. She runs at Giz with all the strength in her legs as Giz goes in to try and disarm her. He knocks the wood away, only to get met with a kick to the side of his head, followed by an elbow in his chest. Cierra goes to punch the opposite side of his face, but he grabs her fist, pulls her towards him and punches her across the face. She gets knocked towards a flaming piece of wood and the ceiling begins collapsing from the flames. Fallen boards and debris ravage the bottom floor the fight was occurring on and I could only sit there and watch in awe of the scene unfolding before my eyes.

It looked like no holds barred MMA fighting in a Michael Bay movie. Giz bobs and weaves through most of the bludgeoning attacks that Cierra was throwing, and eventually slams his shoulder into her gut, knocking her back, but giving her room to which kick Giz in the jaw, then slamming it down as his head was going back to whip it back towards the ground. He lays on the floor in a bloody mess as she lifts the burning board up in an attempt to slam it down on him, and without thinking, I blindside her and tackle her to the ground.

"Jared..." Giz groans. I quickly yell at Giz.

"Get out of here while I have here! Run!" I shout, tears welling in my eyes.

"I'm not going without-" I cut him off before his sentence finishes.

"Giz, just shut the hell up and go! I came here with one thing in my mind! That thing was to see you safe! If you can't even grant me that, then we're through! Got it!?" I yell, sobs choking through as waterfalls form on my face.

"Oh, Boohoo sad moment! Now get the hell off me!" She struggles. She kicks me in the gut with both of her feet and knock me away, nailing me flat on my back. She stand and cracks her neck.

"Now, where was I?" She asks rhetorically. "Oh yeah, ending this!" She screams and the moment she finishes her first step towards Giz, a large pile of blazing boards falls right on top of her. As soon as the bit, she is knocked out. The rest of the building quickly continues to collapse as I stand up and grab Giz by his arm. I lift him up and slowly drag him outside, him half conscious and me running on sheer willpower alone. Willpower given by my love and hope to see Giz live on. As we walk out, fire trucks, police ambulances, the whole 911 crew all outside. Fire men were putting out the flames of the abandoned building as I collapse just at the edge of safety.

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