Rumor #4: A "Good Christian" Family

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Rumor has it that my family is full of really devout Christians. Some would even call them Zealots, and to them, I can already confirm this rumor to be a hundred percent true. My family is highly conservative and, as a result, really fuckin' Christian. As such, they believed three things that contradict my whole life right now: video games are from the devil, gays are abominations and if you're left handed then you are the spawn of Satan. Now I play tons of video games, most of which can be considered sacreligious, I like pen- I mean men(pushing the rating already with the f-bombs. Whoops!), and I write with my dominant left hand. As such, I hide every single detail of my life from my family if at all possible.

When I came home late from Gizzy's place after the park, my parents sat in the living room. There was a dense air in the house. Almost dense enough to choke on. I stared at my two parents for a second. When I say parents, I should already say that they are not my real parents. I'm adopted. I was an orphan at an orphanage and they adopted me. I don't know what they expected from me when they chose me though. They were both really tall people. My mother had long, thin, strawberry blonde hair and always wore dancing dresses with the most popping colors for her make up. My father had black hair that was always always in a crew cut, and if he didn't already sound military enough, he always wore military grade boots, pants and shirts.

"Son, we gotta talk." Mom said in a quiet voice. I walked in and sat down on the recliner next to the couch that they sat in. It was red and made of leather. Both the site and the recliner.

"Son, we received word from your cousin. She, uh... She said you got yourself a boyfriend." Dad said more loud and more serious than my mother. He shot a glare at me.

"What!? Pfft, no. I'm straight!" I said, blushing nervously. The heat rose into my face, and I could feel myself starting to sweat.

"That's not all we received from her, Jared. We also got these pictures to back it." Mom said quietly, passing the pictures over to me. I could feel myself starting to choke on the tension. That bitch.

"Son, are you a faggot?" Dad asked, blunt and loudly. His posture was aggressive, and he gave a look to instill fear in me, as if he were indirectly saying,"if you are lying, I WILL gut you..." I took in a big breath and closed my eyes tightly to stop myself from crying. Dammit cous', I thought. I sniffled and opened my eyes.

"Yes." I said, curtly. I have to keep my appearances to everyone. A sarcastic and curt midgit that may be possibly maybe a little bit though not completely ditzy. "I like men. I like dick! I got a boyfriend! And I'm really happy with him! We're getting along fine like a normal STRAIGHT couple! It's just not straight! It's homosexual! Happy!?" I stood up and gave an agitated pose, arms crossed and everything.

They gave a shocked gasp, and my father stomped his foot on the ground. He stood and directed me towards my room in the most "ten-HUT!" way possible.

"Take your things, Jared. You are officially discharged from our family." He said, loudly and somewhat disappointed, too.

"Very well, Sargiant Dick Whistle." I said, sassing him. I marched upstairs with my bag. As I made my way towards the room that will no longer be mine, I heard him yell from downstairs.

"I'm a brigadier general!" He yelled, defensively.

I grabbed everything I needed. They could pawn everything that wasn't a necessity. I grabbed a few books for entertainment in case I wasn't foraging for food in a dumpster or something. I picked up one of the books from my shelf at random. I took a good look at it. One of my favorites as a kid. Of Move And Men. I laughed. The first book they got me. Of course I'm not going to let them have this. My only remaining momento of this damned place.

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