Rumor #10: 'Til Death Do Us Part

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I stand, feet spaced shoulder width as I stare down the large, run-down building. Windows were shattered from top to bottom, and a smell similar to that of mold and rotting wood permeated the air around it and me. I looked at it, fear resonating throughout my body as I glanced back at the fading trail of crimson blood that lead me to this place. I face forward and close my eyes, taking in a deep breath, working up the courage to go in. Without even thinking, my body opens the door slowly. A loud, sharp creaking sound resounds in the old building. I walk forward slowly as I can hear the floor boards bending under each of my steps. I open my mouth slightly and then eventually started calling for Giz as I continued to walk through the abandoned building.

"Giz!?" I ask aloud. "Where are you!? If you can hear me, make some kind of noise!?" I continue to walk slowly, but I hear no sounds for a while, until I suddenly hear a loud thud from above. I look upwards and to the left. It came from the second floor. I had to check it out. I had to make sure Giz, or the attacker, was okay. I had to make sure nobody was dead. I ran around to try and find a case of stairs and I finally find one. I rush up and try to find the room. Finally, more noise is started up. It sounded like someone was thrashing around. I had to hurry.

I rush into the room that was the source of the noise, not long after it stopped again, followed by a manly yell of pain. I slam the door open and look towards the center of the room and notice Giz in the middle, tied up to a chair. He trusted his gaze overin my direction, panting and sweating as if he had the most intense workout ever. A gleam lights up in my face. Nobody is dead. But it suddenly darkens again as I realize that nobody is dead yet, but there can still be a victim. I run to Giz and he yells at me.

"No, dumbass! Run!" He screams out, but I didn't pay attention. I rush to him and hug him tightly and quick.

"I'm glad you're safe!" I exclaim, happily, unaware that he still needed untied. As I back my head away to have our eyes meet, he crashes his forehead into mine and I fall backwards, tears starting to form only out of the pain. I rub where he hit me as I fall to my ass.

"Get out! She wasn't after me! It was you!" He screamed. Suddenly, I gasped in realization. But I couldn't leave him. I stood back up and suddenly, I hear footsteps from the first floor.

"Be quiet." I whisper in his ear. "I'm going to untie you from the chair. When you break free, we have around half a minute to hide. Alright?" Giz swallows and I smile. I quickly try to untie the ropes and only with eventual success. He quickly stands up, making sure not to drop the chair. We synchronize our steps with that of the other person's, but it eventually picks up in pace. Me and Giz separate into different rooms to try and find a place to hide. Suddenly, the other footsteps stop at the intersection where we split up, as I hear them go away from me, and the only other direction is where Giz ran. I hear a quick rattle around in the room, followed by a yell from Giz. I dash to the other room and shout for him.

"Giz!" I let out as I suddenly gasp at who had him. It was Cierra who had Giz by the throat. Shocked, I stand gazing with my jaw unhinged as I stared at the scene. My best friend had my boyfriend by the throat.

"Get away from here! No- GAH!" He screams in pain as Cierra bashes the metal handle of a knife into the side of his head.

"Just shut up, bad boy." She whispers to him menacingly. She turns her head towards me as she holds the tip of the knife towards Giz's temple and wielding it as if it were a steak knife she was about to use, her index finger on the back side of the blade. "Now, I'll release Giz if you are willing to come with me in his place. Otherwise, you both die. Pick your poison." She smiles a wicked smile and chuckles under her breath.

"Why are you doing this Cierra!?" I shout. Astonishment molding my face with fear and tears as she laughs a stereotypical villain laugh. She stops her cackling and looks away slightly.

"Ooh, that evil laughing practice paid off..." She said in her normal ditzy tone. She returns her focus on the situation at hand. "Oh, sorry! Got distracted. Now why am I doing this... Oh, that's right!" She moves her free hand to Giz's head as she cuts the side of his cheek on her way down to hovering the blade just barely away from his throat. "Because I love you. And I can't have your attention torn from me." She explained. "I mean, until he came along, your attention was basically all on me. But since you got yourself a nice hot babe here, you've been ignoring me more and more. And if I can't even be your friend, then I'll either eliminate him or take you for myself. Now, have you made your choice between cake and pie yet?" She asked.

My mouth locks as I try to form a decision. But as I try to keep it locked, my voice begins to move, following my heart instead of my brain. "I-I'll g-" I stutter as I get interrupted by Giz.

"I'll be fine! Don't do it!" He screams, tears welling in his eyes. He lowers his head and grits his teeth. Would he really be fine?

"Tic-toc. Tic-toc~." She says all sing songy. As Giz glares at me, I can feel his words in my heart... And it doesn't believe. I begin to mouth my words as he scowls at me and lets out the most demanding scream ever.

"Dammit, if you go with her right now, we're done! You fuckin' hear me!?" He shouts, tears falling to the ground. And for the first time, I knew he truly did care. But I cared, too, and I knew what I must do.


Hey guys, sorry for the hella long wait. School had started back, art commissions were filing in, house work was filing in, family issues had happened, so basically shit hit the hypothetical fan and I had to hit the ground running. SPIACENTE!!! But I will be concluding the story in the coming days. I already have it drafted up and chapters 11 and 12 should be here before the end of December. Thank you so much for your patience and for enjoying my story. It really does mean a lot to me. Meanwhile, I am working on a separate story and its much more in the Fantasy category as opposed to romantic fiction. Still a bunch of gayness though. More details on it in the next chapter. Once again, thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day!

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