Rumor #9: The Final Night

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"Day - Saturday. Time - Noon. Location - Beside boyfriend. Destination - Parents' house. Beginning Operation Fuck My Life in 5... 4... 3... 2..."

"Jared, why are you talkin' to yourself?" Giz asks me on the sidewalk. He's holding my hand gently as we stroll forward, giving me a very puzzled look of bizarre confusion. I begin to sweat nervously as I look at him and chuckle, putting a hand behind my head.

"Heh heh.. Nothing. Sorry!" I apologize. "Just thinking out loud! He smiles at me and kisses my cheek. We continue forward as the destination begins to appear over the horizon. I glare at the house with a serious look as I tighten my grip on Giz's hand. A knot forms in my throat, and I try to swallow it, yet it refuses to go down. As we approach the door, I turn my whole body towards Giz and grab his other hand.

"Giz... Can I go in? Alone?" I ask him. He looks into my eyes with compassion and he chuckles.

"Well, if you're so insistent then I'll wait by the door," He lets go and steps a couple feet beside the door, "right here. Okay?" He asks, grinning. I smile at him as he poses with his arms wide open.

"I'll call you in so you can help me carry my shit." I chuckle as I step up to the door. I start to knock, but hesitate. I then swallow the huge lump in my throat and knock on the door twice. I begin to hear footsteps as my mom opens the door.

"Oh, hey. Forget something?" She asked in a slightly drunken tone. I smell wine on her breath, and I groan in disgust, trying to wipe the smell away from my nose.

"Mom, are you drunk!?" I ask her. She looks down and hiccups.

"Oh here there, Jared! Welcome back! How are you!?" She asked me, flooding my nose with drunk breath. I gag slightly and grasp my mouth to stop any bile from spewing out. I shove it down and huff a breath of relief.

"Is dad here? Can I come in?" I ask. She steps to the side and wobbles backwards, falling on her back.

"Woah... that was so fun! Let's do it again!" She asks me. I look at her puzzled and then start laughing as I walk inside, closing the door behind me and helping my mother up. We sit on the couch, I look her in the eyes. She's drunk now so she's got looser lips than cheep hooker.

"So how have you and Dad been? Is he even around here?" I ask, looking around cautiously and frightfully.

"Oh, THAT deadbeat!?" She yells. "I divorced his ass a couple days ago after he found out I was writing letters to you and got pissed. You know that mother fucker hi-" she hiccups. "Hit me!? What fucking person does that!? It's rude. A-and mean as fuck too." She slurs. I look at her, puzzled.

"So he's gone? Wait... did you say you were writing letters to me!? Did you even know where I was staying!?" I asked her, happiness rising within me. She points at me.

"No, but I was hoping you'd come by and rub it in our faces one day and I could give them to you then when your father wasn't looking, but that shit isn't happening now! So I can give them to you!" She shuffles behind the couch and scavenges around. She suddenly pulls up a small box and holds it high into the air.

"I fou- GAH!" she screams as she falls backwards off the couch as the box falls onto her face and the letters scatter out of it. I pick one of them up and read it. I look away from it and towards my mother with overwhelming happiness.

"You mean, you were against my dad tossing me out?" I ask, holding my hand towards my chest. She knocks the letters away from her face and sits up.

"Damn" she hiccups, "straight! I always wanted a gay son, but for some fucking reason, your dad lied to me about his stance on homosexuality and I was scared to back out. Once I got punched in the face, though, I nut up and smashed his with my foot! I told him to get the fuck out and I ain't seen that mother fucker since. OH I'm so happy!" She moans happily. I laugh and then lean in to hug her.

"Thanks mom. Me and my boyfriend are going to head upstairs to grab some more of my things, okay? It's great seeing you again, and I'll be sure to visit more often." I tell her, overwhelmed with happiness that at least one other person in my family doesn't hate me. And even better that it was my own mother. She hugs me back and then pushes me away.

"Go get your shit, son. I'm tired. I think I'll pass out right here." She says as she falls backwards and begins to snore. I chuckle and open the door wide open.

"Giz, you can come in now!" I holler outside. I look around and don't see him. I laugh and put my hands on my hips. "Yeah yeah, very funny now. Come on out!" I yell for him. I wait for a few seconds and head around the corner of the house. "Get in here, seriously!" I yell. Still no sign of him. I suddenly remember that me and Cierra made that text. And what's worse is it's been three days since we made it. I begin to freak out and notice a small trail of blood on the grass around my house. It leads around back and then down the hill. I continue to follow the blood as the sun sets and nightfall arrives.

Suddenly, the only thing in my mind is the killer's safety. I was sure Giz would be fine, but I am worried about whether or not he killed the killer. I continue to chase down the trail of blood as my footsteps increase in speed, and each step adds more weight to my body and breathing. The later it gets, the town begins to darken even more as the trail starts to end at the entrance to an old abandoned mansion.

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