16 - Devil Eyes

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Crassus got pushed next to me, into the car trunk. I glanced at him while he looked around, mostly staring at the guy in front of us.

"We're going to Lawrence." He realized. "It's the same masks."

My breathing got stuck in my throat. "What?"

Crassus crawled over to the guy and started to ask him lots of questions while my whole body tensed up. I couldn't go to Lawrence's place! I never wanted to be there again.

I was frightened.

It got harder to breathe and I tried to control it, but before I knew it I was in a flashback.

The by-now familiar blue lights blinded my eyes before I could see the faces around me. Dozens of men circled around me, including Kane, whose hands were touching the worst places again.

A part of me felt like I was overreacting, which might've been true, but only the memories of the pub and all the men looking at me, made me shiver.

Then it all got normal again. Well, my vision. I didn't even notice I had pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my head in them until Crassus asked if I were okay.

"Fine." My voice broke, sweat dripping down my forehead from the panting. Soon some tears fell from my eyelashes, but I gathered enough strength to stop them and look up, right into Crassus' worried face.

"Is it the pub?" He lowered his voice slightly.

I just nodded, breathless. "I don't want to go in there, Crassus." I talked fast, gasping for air, but anxiety stuck in my lungs.

"You won't have to go to the pub."
Crassus paused and seemed thoughtful for a second. "Nothing will happen."

I sniffed and put my hand on my chest, starting to wonder if I was having some kind of panic attack.

Crassus took my shoulders so he could look at me better. "Newt will be there... I will be there, Jorge will be there.. so nothing will happen." He assured. "You're just gonna stay close to us all and if something happens, tell us right away. Understood?"

"Yes." I nodded. My breaths were still a bit heavy, but Crassus helped a lot.

"You're safe." He assured once again. I smiled weakly and leaned against the covered window.

"Will Gally be there?" I breathed after a while.



Not in the most kind way, we got taken out of the trunk. They almost pushed us fall onto the ground, but I quickly caught my balance and looked around.

Men, most of them wearing masks, walked around. We were under the open roof, stairs surrounding us. On one of the floors above us, the pub was located, but I tried not to think about it too much.

Then other black busses drove into the place, one of them moving heavily like someone was jumping in it.

Before anyone could do something, the door slammed open and two guards fell out of the trunk, followed by Jorge and a raging Newt, who both jumped on top of the guards.

I gasped when they started punching, something I wasn't much used to with Newt, but the look on his face said enough.

"Where are they?" Jorge didn't even give the man the chance to talk back and already hit him again.

Newt grunted and took the guy's shirt, yelling the same thing.

"Jorge!" Brenda jumped into action, making me realize I should do too.

"We're right here!" I pulled Newt off the guard and immediately his arms wrapped around me while Jorge kept fighting, until Brenda repeated everyone was okay multiple times.

"Mi hijas." He muttered before embracing us in a small, quick hug.

"Everybody relax!" A sudden voice only I recognized said. Gally.
"We're all on the same side here."

Thomas got out of the grip a man had on him. "What do you mean same side? Who the hell are you?"

And there Gally went, slowly pulling his mask off and dramatically looking up. "Hey, Greenie."

Everyone stared at Gally so shocked except for me. I already knew he was alive, but never told the others. No one in our group really seemed to like him, except for Fry.. and he killed Chuck, which by now I kind of forgave him for... I mean, I was still very sad about Chuck and sometimes even randomly broke down by not being able to cheer up from his jokes and just the fact of losing him, but Gally was stung. It wasn't his fault and what he did at the pub was enough for me to realize he was a good guy.

"Gally?" Thomas stammered.

"No way," Fry muttered from behind me.

"What a reunion, Rye." Cyra patted her brother on the shoulder.

Suddenly Thomas rushed over to Gally and punched him so hard, the boy fell onto the ground.

"No, wait!"



The Gladers started screaming when guards pointed their guns at Thomas, who was on top of Gally, ready to punch, but Newt bent down next to him.

"It's all right!" He took Thomas' arm.

"He killed Chuck." Thomas spat out, hurting me mentally too for a second.
"Yeah, I know. I remember. I was there too, all right?" Newt said carefully. "But I also remember that he was stung and half out of his mind."

Thomas stayed silent for a few seconds, hesitating, but then he grunted and let go of Gally.

Gally sighed and got off the ground.
"Kind of had that coming." He rubbed his hurt cheek. "Anybody else? Fry? Newt? Jane, again?"

They all turned to me now. "Again?"

"Welcome back." Gally gave me a nod.

"Hold up.." Newt held up his hand and frowned deeply. "What?"

"I kinda forgot to tell you..." I bit my lip. "But I've been here before. It was the group that picked me up. Where Crassus was and Gally too."

"Oh, wow." Newt scoffed.

"Do you know this guy?" Jorge asked Fry.

"He was an old friend."

"How?" Newt then stammered. "How is this possible? We watched you die."

Gally's face twitched into hurt for a second. " No, you left me to die." He paused. "And if we hadn't found you when we did, you'd be dead right now."

He mostly looked at Thomas, who still looked pissed, which I didn't blame him for though.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Minho," Newt responded, the frown never leaving.

"WICKED has him here. We're looking for a way in." Thomas added.

"I can help with that."

My whole face lit up in just a second, more hope filling my heart. "You can?"

"Follow me." He ordered.

Thomas glanced at him. "I'm not going anywhere with you." He snapped.

"Suit yourself." Gally sighed. "But I can get you through those walls."

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