29 - Epilogue | 2

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"Keep your eyes closed," Minho ordered about a year later, his hands pressing on my eyes as we walked over to whatever he wanted to show me.

"With your hands in front of my eyes, I don't have a chance of seeing, so don't worry." I chuckled.
We kept walking, Minho showing the way. "Where are we going?"

"You've asked me that a hundred times already, Shebean." Minho sighed. "I won't tell you. We're almost there though."

Soon we came to a stop. He took his hands off my eyes, which immediately jumped open the second after he did. "I only see you." I glanced behind Minho's back, but all I saw were some trees behind him.

"Turn around."
I did as he told me and then gasped. We were on top of a mountain, staring down at a beach and beautiful sunset. Orange and pink mixed together, some with clouds fading away before the moon would appear.

"Wow." I gulped, already breathless at the amazing sight.

"You like it?"

"Love it." I corrected. "How did you find out about this place?"

Minho took my arm and pulled me onto a blanket that lay on the ground. "I ran here."

"You still run?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I leaned back a little, my body resting on my elbows.

"It's a habit." Minho sat down too. "And don't act like you don't throw knives every morning."

"You run, I throw knives, Frypan cooks, Gally practices wrestling, Thomas asks questions, Jorge talks Spanish.. we all have habits," I muttered, mostly focusing on the sunset.

Minho stayed silent for a few seconds, then asked a sudden question. "What's your favorite color?"

"What?" I laughed and turned my head to look at him. His expression was quite serious, so I eventually answered. "Yellow."

"Yellow?" Minho spat out. "Why's that?"

I hummed and averted my eyes from Minho. "It was Newt's favorite color."

"That's fair." He admitted. "How do you know?"

"Pay attention to little things." I sighed, missing Newt again. Well, I never stopped missing him, but after a year it was easier to talk about him and not cry, but just have happy memories.

"Is your other favorite color black?" Minho blurted out.

"Why would my other favorite color be black?"

"You said you paid attention to the little things, so I was thinking, yellow's your favorite color because Newt's hair was-."

"Newt's hair was certainly not yellow, Minho." I interrupted and couldn't help to smile. "Blonde."

Minho let out a pure laugh, I could see it by the way his eyes disappeared and his white teeth revealed.

I smiled brightly too. "What's your favorite color?"

"Oh, I don't know," Minho said casually. "Just anything."

I nodded and looked at the sunset once again, feeling like if I would stare too long I would either fall asleep or zone out for a long time. It was so peaceful. Finally no more WICKED, losing friends, danger, or Cranks. We were safe.

Minho's arm wrapping around me made me flinch. Just a reflex, I hoped.
"Woah." Immediately he removed his hand.

"It's okay."

Worry and concern increased on his face. "It's not. Are you all right?"

"I'm fine, Min. Don't worry." I wrapped my arm around him instead, lying my head on his shoulder. "After a year it's just some last reflexes, but that's it. I'm okay, really."

Minho scoffed. "The one and only Jane being perfectly okay? That's a wonder." He joked though it was also true.

I snickered. "It is the truth."

"It better be." Minho put his hand on my waist and pulled me closer, making me blush deeply. "What's your favorite animal?"

"What are all these questions for?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Because I know nothing about you!"

"You know a lot about me," I confirmed.

"I don't. Not the things I should know, at least. All I know is your name, what you look like, and your personality." Minho defended, sounding sure of his case.

"Okay." I chuckled.

"Like, right now is the perfect time to ask."

"Why now?"

"Well, we didn't have much time to do this since we were either always fighting, bickering, angry at each other, running, or.." Minho seemed thoughtful. "Or busy with other things."

I felt the butterflies form in my stomach at the thought of that one day in WICKED's department with Minho. "You're right."

"Favorite animal?"




"Describe your perfect day," Minho added, apparently really seeking more information about me.

"Sleep in with hopefully you next to me, have a nice breakfast with everyone, spend my day with someone I like and maybe help around, think about Newt, eat again, and then sleep, maybe shower." I shrugged.

"That's what you do every day," Minho commented.

"Indeed. So all my days are perfect already." I assured.

"What superpower would you want to have?"

"Reading minds."

"That would suck. All these voices all of the time." Minho cleared his throat. "I would have super speed."

"You already have super speed," I replied. "But I'm wondering what goes on in that mind of yours, that's why. And Cyra's."

"I think out of all people, you don't want to read my or Cyra's mind."

I laughed once again and kept answering Minho's questions, asking him some too, then talking about memories and basically all that until my eyelids got heavy.

Minho noticed and gently pushed me down on the blanket before he lay down himself, pulling a blanket over us. I smiled and watched his eyes as he attentively moved some hair out of my face.

"I love you." He whispered, his eyes so genuine I felt like crying about it.

My heart melted. "I love you too." I finally said back after all those months. Minho leaned in and connected our lips, smiling through the last kiss.


A/N: One last epilogue :)

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