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"Ok?" I said as I walked towards him. I sat down hesitantly on the plush mat as he said " you were not supposed to die. You where the only one in the crash that died, but you where supposed to live" 'what!' "So I'm giving you a second chance at life you have 10 wishes, use them wisely. " the old man said as he folds his hands, peacefully closing his eyes breathing deeply and exhaling sharply.

"Ok, first I want to be reborn in hunter x hunter. Second, I want to be extremely beautiful like I can make anyone fall in love without trying kinda beautiful." The old man chuckled slightly at this "third, I want to be super strong but still look lithe and fragile, fourth I want to be 17 ( for context gon and Killua are 12 Kurapika is 17 and leorio is 19) fifth I want to be immune to poison and pain sixth I want to be immortal." I said pausing occasionally to think. "What else would you like" the old man said " can I save my remaining wishes for later" I asked. " sure,but use them before you die please" he said " sure" I said

I started to float down slowly the next thing I knew I was standing in front of a crying baby in a basket in the middle of a forest. "What is a baby doing here!" I picked up the baby rocking it to sleep. On a side note the forest was magical and it seemed like fireflies surrounded me and this child. It's so peaceful and I feel like a mother.

" hey, old man!" I yelled in hopes the god would respond " yes and please if you have to call me say Rokuo it's my name" the old man now Rokuo responds " why is there a baby here?" I asked confused. " well I wanted to make your life more interesting so I went to the future of your original world and took your older sister's soul took it and put it in a baby that she approved of and erased her memories then put her soul in the baby's body, fairly simple really." Rokuo said happily. "Well what am I going to do with her I need to keep her, but I also want to take the hunter exams!" I said frustrated. "Well then take her with you that was my original plan so there is a swaddle in the bottom of the backpack also nothing can hurt her while in the swaddle so she will be fine, think of it like titanium."Rokuo said nearly bursting with excitement. I just sighed.
It seems like Rokuo really likes drama

I picked up the swaddle from the basket put around my shoulder it wrapped around my shoulder and under my arm doing a cross cross pattern of sorts with a pouch for my... "if you where wondering she is biologically your daughter and is one week old. Also the hunter exam is in 2 days. You have a map in your pocket" Rokuo butted in. I put my daughter in the pouch I don't want to name her after my older sister so I will name her..Riva after my friend.

I pulled the map out of my pocket and started to walk towards the marked place on the map I assumed that was where the entrance was. This is going to take some getting used I had found a nice hotel to stay at while walking around town. Everyone looked at me weirdly as if I was doing something wrong or I was a sinner and needed to atone for my sin. I get it was kinda weird I had a child with me but you don't have to stare.

The hike here was rather uneventful. It took me all of yesterday to get here and I didn't meet anyone on my way it was kinda peaceful.

Riva has stayed asleep for the most part. She only wakes up when she's hungry. It's akward to breast feed her, but damm I have big breasts I mean seriously I have perfect skin and white hair and red-ish pink eyes that glow in the dark I have a button nose and unfortunately I am short. I'm only 5,2 for gods sake! I always wear my swaddle with Riva in it. I do not want her to get hurt at all.

I'm going to go to a restaurant in a minute so I'm getting ready. I put on a baggy shirt and a skirt then a sweater. I put the swaddle back on and put Riva in it. Then I walked out the room into the front desk area and out the door.

When I got to the restaurant it was a barbecue place. I heard they also had baby food so I went there instead of the other amazing places here. They never talk about it in the anime but this place has a million restaurants and they are all mouth watering.

When I walked in I got weird looks and lustful ones as well. I walked up to the podium at the front. "Ms. Do you have a table for one" I asked politely " yes follow me and would you like a high chair As well" she asked eyeing my daughter " no thanks" I said smiling

She walked me to a table next to a window. I sighed and looked at the menu.

-:time skip:-

I was walking home when these men came up to me and dragged me into an alleyway. Riva was crying and I was scared, so I screamed " Ahhhh!! Someone help-!!!" The first men put his hand over my mouth my screams where muffled but it was already to late someone was coming I could hear them.

The men tried to take Riva of me but right as they where about to touch her this man stood in front of me blocking their path. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding I put my arms around Riva in a tight enough hug.

The man in front of me killed the 2 men with a card. Wait a playing card! Is that hisoka! Hisoka turned around and said "Darling, sweet little girls like you should not be in alleyways alone. Especially at night" " I am not little!" I said angry " oh how are you not darling." Hisoka purred. "I am a mother and if I have given birth to a child I am no longer a little girl" I said angrily. " You have a child" hisoka said slightly surprised. "Yes"I said looking away "how old are you darling" hisoka once again purrs "17" I said in a matter-a-fact tone " well anyway I need to go back home I hope to see you later" I said as I smiled.

1149 words

Reborn in hunter x hunterWhere stories live. Discover now