First stage 🏃‍♀️

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Finally everyone was here satotz had also arrived. He did his boring intro blah blah blah, going to lead you to the second phase, blah blah. I just yelled ."how come instead of your mouth you have a mustache?" He ignored my question and started to walk at a fast pace we followed after him. Some looked like this was the easiest thing in the world, others looked like they where going to die. Probably tompa...

I fell behind and went to go talk to gon and his friends this time killua was here as well. Riva was asleep on my chest and would probably stay asleep. " hey I'm Rin and this is Riva" I said pointing towards the baby on my chest. I tried to look friendly.

We started to speed up and gon looked at me and asked " is it true that hisoka is the father of your child?" He said in a oblivious tone. I looked at him shocked and said in a panicked tone. " No no, he just saved me before he is not the father of my child!"Gon started apologizing profusely. " it's okay everyone makes mistakes." I said slightly laughing at his antics.

" well do you mind if I stick with you guys for awhile!" I said happily. " sure!" Gon said in his usual energetic tone. At the same time leorio said no. I looked at them confused and kurapika butted in " we should let her join it would be useful to have another ally." Everyone seemed to agree with that and I joined them up the stairs. I was going strong still, in fact I was barely bothered by the running and now the stairs I was quite surprised. In my past life I couldn't do this.

We continued to run and eventually after quite a bit we reached the exit. I got to see first hand as a guy from the very back almost made it but just barely lagged behind. I laughed a little getting some strange looks. Unlike in canon we got a break to rest. I was thankful I wanted to feed Riva but couldn't do that while running.

I started to walk up to hisoka." Hisoka, can you hold Riva for a minute" I said while he was talking to illumi in disguise. I smiled at illumi as hisoka said " sure sweetheart~" I handed him Riva and fished for some baby food from my bag. I only have a few cans left I might have to breastfeed during the exam for awhile I thought frowning. I could feel people looking at me probably thinking what gon asked me " is hisoka the father of your child?" It's ridiculous.

Hisoka was couing at Riva. I said " hisoka you know you are surprisingly good with kids." I took Riva out of his hands and he replied " i'm good at a lot of other things as well darling~" I giggled and started feeding Riva. She's so cute.

As soon as I was done it was time to get walking again . I tried to stay out of trouble , but I ran into this monkey thing. I got into a fight with it while hisoka and illumi watched they were trying to hide but I could tell they had been following me hisoka kept on doing the weird moan / groan thing quietly but I could still hear him it was really weird.

Anyway getting back on track, fighting a monkey. The monkey was lean but strong. I know I might look unassuming but I am not as you can probably tell. I had a dagger hidden in my pocket and stabbed the monkey thing straight in the heart it started thrashing around. I pulled the dagger out effectively killing it, Because of blood loss.

I got back on the trail path thing and continued following satotz. The rest of the first phase was uneventful. Except when I meet back up with gon, killua, leorio and kurapika.

I forgot to tell you this so please read this or you will have a hard time understanding things.

Rin is wearing a short kimono 👘 like dress 👗 Rin has pockets hidden by the belt of the kimono she has a dagger camping equipment rations and wears her hair in a bun tied with a Japanese hair pin that is actually a knife.

726 words

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