2nd stage

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I had finally got to the second phase. We were all looking at menchi and buhara (is that how you spell it?) "welcome to the second phase!" *loud stomach rumble* " you must be hungry!" Menchi said. "Starving" buhara replied. "What do you want to eat?" Menchi said to buhara. "I'm craving pork!" Buhara replied. " ok then you all have to cook pork!" Menchi said. " I came her to become a blacklist hunter not to cook for some stupid examiner!" Said some random examiner running to attack her, but buhara just swatted him away. "Why did you do that buhara" menchi said. "Because you would have killed him" he said as she started twirling a knife.  Menchi just hummed.

" you may begin" menchi said bitterly. Glaring at the man who had charged at her.

I went to go get a pig killing the carnivorous pig in seconds doing a jump kick on his head. I went back to my station and put my pig down then went back to the forest to collect ingredients. I found rosemary and other ingredients. I went back to my station and made a marinade. I took out the tenderloin I let it sit for 1 hour or when I was done roasting the rest of the pig. I got out a big plate for the big pig and started putting the tenderloin on a grill and waited. I was the last to give them their food but I made it look and taste amazing. So far everyone had got denied so I was slightly scared.

I walked up and handed them my pork. Buhara gobbled his pork up yelling "you pass!"

Menchi looked at me then Riva then me again. I just laughed and said "this is my daughter don't worry I didn't kidnap her" Riva woke up and looked at menchi trying to grab her hair. I grabbed Riva hand and gave her one of her toys smiling. Menchi laughed and took a bite of my food. You could basically see stars in her eyes as she said "you pass"

I walked back to my station just as some old man (netero) jumped down from a air ballon thingy " now menchi why did you fail everyone" he said. " because someone insulted gourmet hunters and it made me angry." Menchi said shyly. " was that right" netero said. " no I'm sorry you should chose a different proctor i resign" menchi said. " no don't resign then we will have to find a new proctor on such a short notice but if you have another idea for a alternative 2nd phase that would work." Netero said. " I have the perfect idea" Menchi said.

We all got on the hot air balloon thingy. I went up to hisoka and "guttirack" (that's not how you spell it I know) aka illumi in disguise. " so hisoka who is this friend of yours" I said looking at illumi. " darling~ this is gutirack my friend of a few years~" hisoka spoke in his weird tone.

I'm going to bed . I woke up when it was time to leave the ship on go to this mountain thing with a big crack through the middle(I forgot the name😭) menchi told us about the webs and eggs that are in the crack. Then she jumped of the cliff. I heard gasps all around thinking she would die. I had to stifle a laugh. I mean she is an examiner she wouldn't die that easily. With a gust of wind she flew back up to the top with an egg. She said " this is a heaven egg. People call it that because it tastes so good. All you have to do is get one." I ran and jumped into the cliff grabbing onto a web a spinning around it. Not before asking macho to hold Riva. People started Jumping down as well some grabbed an egg and let go, they fell to their death. The webs started to strain to hold our weight, just then the tunnel filled with air and we all grabbed an egg flying to the top of the Clif. We cooked the eggs and it tasted like heaven. I gave some to Riva and could basically see stars in her eyes. We all boarded on the the air ship ( I don't know the name 😭) to go to the next stage.

Sorry I took so long  im going to go on a trip soon so it will take a long time. Thank you for waiting for my new chapter.

While I was writing this someone named 34763s  voted yay! So shoutout to them, check them out.

775 words

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