Finally there🫠

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The elevator / room thing was bringing me to the first phase of the exam. I was nervous. Riva was swaddled on my chest snoring away. I had some baby food for her, clothes for Riva and me her binky and some toys. I also had some water for us and food for me, oh yeah I also brought a medic bag. Never know what's going to happen. Well, I guess I do but that's beside the point.

I planned on meeting the main character so I brought candy for them lollipops and chocolate because who doesn't like chocolate. Also their so sweet and cute, they deserve the candy.

Anyways I just got to the floor where the hunter exam takes place, I am so excited. I walked in and was handed my number 56. Hmmm hisoka is 44 I guess he is here I might as well talk to him.

I started to look for him. It wasn't that hard I mean how hard is it to find a clown with pink and purple hair.

Apparently very hard, it's been 30 or so minutes! How hard is it to find such a distinctive person and personality! I walked up to him.(after freaking forever)I was getting weird looks. Maybe it's the baby? Yep definitely the baby.

I looked up at hisoka. Ahhh! Curse my shortness! " hi, I don't think I ever got your name sir" I said trying to be polite "ahh~ hello darling my name is hisoka, I don't think I got your name either" he said in the hisoka tone. I just smiled and said " my name is Rin and my baby right here is Riva. Thank you for earlier hisoka I really appreciate it" with a smile and a small bow, holding Riva. Swaddled on my chest. hisoka just smiled and said I said "if you want I can bring her out of her swaddle, she seems to like you" as I said that Riva started to get fussy " I guess she's hungry" I said with a giggle.

I started to take Riva out of her swaddle I know I said I wouldn't do this but I can't feed her like this. I need for someone to hold her while I get out her food, and I only know hisoka. "Hisoka do you mind holding Riva while I get out her food?"
I said smiling " of course darling~" he said in his creepy voice, I just sighed. I handed Riva over to him " oh make sure you hold her head! I don't want you to accidentally hurt her neck!" I added.

I finally got out the food and got Riva back.

-:time skip:-

Tompa. I hate Tompa he is just annoying for no reason other than it makes him happy. He walked up to me! I know I shouldn't be this angry but I hate him! And I can't have the poison because I might need to breastfeed and Riva can't have poison.

Tompa said " hello my name is Tompa it's nice to meet you would you like a drink. I know getting here is hard so a have sodas for rookies like you!" In a sickly sweet voice. I just smiled and said " I'm sorry Tompa but I don't like soda, pls I don't think my daughter here would like caffeine." Tompa replied " ah it's fine but really you must be thirsty" "no and leave me alone" I said angry. " well you must want one for your daughter" he said sweetly. I nearly slapped him across the face but that would blow my 'nice girl' cover. I mean seriously he would be willing to give a baby poison. What sick bastard would do that. "NO! She is not even 1 she can't have soda you idiot! And didn't I tell you she doesn't want soda anyway!"
I don't care anymore he deserves a slap. I slapped him as hard a I could. He flew across the room making a dent In the wall. Tompa got up and tried to get as far away from me as possible.

-:time skip:-

Everyone was here it's about time for hisoka's scene is coming up I can't wait! Oh it's happening now. " ahhhhh!!!! My arms my arms!!!" The man yelled. "My my it seems this poor man's arms have turned into petal, how unfortunate, you should really apologize when you bump into someone" hisoka said smiling. I giggled. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Tompa talking to the main characters. He then started to point at me. I looked at him pointed a finger to myself then him in a confused motion. I started to walk over to them.

As I got close. I saw them all stiffen. " hi my name is Rin it's nice to meet you, now Tompa you know it's rude to point." I said. " y-yes mam" Tompa stuttered out. " Run along." I said waving him off. " ah before I go would you guys like a soda?" Tompa said talking to kurapika leorio and gon. They all said yes, but I said " Tompa, don't poison kids please"Tompa just sighed and walked away, so did I.

I could see gon try to run to say thank you or talk to me. Before he could kurapika grabbed him by his shirt and whispers something I can't hear something along the lines of "don't bother nice people" or " don't bother a lady with a child" I couldn't tell.

916 words

Reborn in hunter x hunterWhere stories live. Discover now