chapter 5

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Me:"I like-"
Kenny then rushes into the bathroom interrupting my outburst.

Kenny:"what are yall doing here.ARE Y'ALL MAKING OUT"kenny said muffled because of his parka

Me and my sbf:"NO!!"

Kenny:"then what are y'all doing"he said muffled but clear

Sbf:"kyle was gonna tell me something until you interrupted"

Me:"ok he told you now leave"

Kenny:"but i came here to pee"

Me:"PISS QUICKLY"I roll my eyes

Kenny heads over to the urinal and takes a nice fat loss. i look at stan annoyed.
Kenny leaves [he didn't wash his hands because he never does he can't afford to pay the water bill]

Me:"okay- i think i like cartman" I mumbled the last part.

Sbf:"what,sorry i didn't hear the last part say it again."he said not sure of what just came out my mouth

Me:"I like- cartman"

He looked at me staring at him and he's still trying to comprehend what the fuck I just said.

Stans pov

Me:"I'm not trying to disrespect your taste in men but why him?"

Ky:"because we're in a kyman fanfic"

author note: I'm joking he didn't actually say that 😊

Ky:" I don't know but their is something irresistible from that fatass this whole morning i have been trying to make myself hate him but i don't think if you hate someone you should want to be with them all the time."

Me:"holy shit man-"

Ky:"please don't unfriend me because of my crush-!"i interrupt him

Me:"I wasn't going to its just holy shit dude i wasn't expecting that"

Sbf:"so your still my super best friend"

Me:"ofcourse I don't care who the fuck is you crush it will never break our friendship"

He walks closer to me and drapes his hands over me.we hugged for a while.i didn't care if he liked cartman i would still be friends with him.though this was surprising news its better then finding out he doesn't want to be my friend like in my daymare

Me:"now can we go to lunch"


We hold hands all the way their and sat down.

Kyle's pov:

Fatass:"hey, fags"

Kenny:" y'all finally came back from making out"

Me:"shut you poor ass up"

We ate and then the bell rang, we got to our classes.this time stan and butters had some type of psychology class that their parents signed them up for.i had art with cartman.kenny had geometry but skipped.

i entered the art had artwork all over surrounding the classroom.I walked over to cartman and sat next to him.I tried to avoid eye contact.i felt insane like i had no control over my emotions.

Cart:"what are we supposed to do"

Me:"draw what's on the board dumbass"

He grabs a pencil and scribbles something i couldn't see it though.he then handed the paper to me.

Cart:"here you can have my beautiful masterpiece"

I glimpse at it and it looked like a kindergartener drew it.ike could do better but instead of insulting him.i stoped and gave him a compliment

Me:"wow it looks great"this gave me a warm feeling.

He blushed and looked away i could tell he was flustered by his body language.

Cart:"wait what"he asked

Me:"I was complementing your "artwork" "i used my hands to form quotation marks


I could tell he wasn't used to me complimenting him.i knew he liked it .

School finished butters pov


Kenny:"hey butters"

Me:"can we walk home together i want to tell you something"

Kenny:"uh sure?"

We walked

Kenny:"so what did you wanna talk about"

Butters:"Cartman has been A little off lately.he only talks about kyle around me."

Ken:"I know right he's always blabbering about him.i told him today at the bus stop

Flashback.     Kennys pov

Me:"so i told this chick that I didn't want to-"

Fatass:"why the fuck is kyle so annoying"he interrupts

Me:"why do you. Always bring him up,what do you like him?"

Fatass gets flustered and blushes hard

Fatass:"WHAT HELL NO HES A cute jew"he mutters the last part I pretended i didn't hear but I did

Me:"hes a what"

Fatass:" a jew"

End of flashback.      Butters pov

Me:"wait,OH MY you think he likes kyle"

Ken:"no way"he says sarcastically

Me:"hey i didn't know"I chuckle

4:00 leaving school
                       kyle pov
I get out of the class and see stan getting his backpack.

Me:"hey wanna hang at my house"

Stan:"sure why not "

We head out the school.we start walking the route to my house.

Me:"stan i don't know what im gonna do."

Sbf:"what are you talking about?"

Me:"my crush there's so many reasons why it's bad. I even made a list during class of why i like him"

Sbf:"shit that's bad"

Me:"I don't wanna like him"

Sbf:"okay well maybe if you name the reasons you shouldn't like him.i did it with wendy and if kinda worked"

Me:" y'all broke up 3 days ago and you told me you still like her"

Sbf:"3 days is a record"

Me:"okay okay whatever 1st off im not gay-"

Sbf:"then why would you like him it doesn't make sense"

Me:"I don't like men in general"

We then arrived at my house.we went inside watched a mom called for dinner we ate. stan left and i went to bed.i was hoping I could go to sleep but for some reason i couldn't.All I could think about was ...cartman.i grabbed a pillow and yelled



                 Cartman pov
All i can think about is giving kyle that stupid drawing that wasn't even was a women but it looked like a lizard.i was scared because kyle is such a smart dirty Jew.ew I hate my thought process.i look at the clock it said 1:00
I decide to get up and stretch.i went down stairs to get a glass of milk.i warmed it up and drink it and finally fell asleep on my bed.

1048 words

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