Arcade Games and Gemshards

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(Reader's P.O.V.)

I took a minute to collect my thoughts before finally continuing. "It's in that children's arcade. Multiple of them are there actually..." I point out a children's arcade down the street. Nazo groans loudly when he reads the sign on the arcade. "Of course there's an arcade named after him... That hedgehog's influence seems to be everywhere." "Sonic's not that bad. I figured you wouldn't be too fond of the idea of going in since it's a crowded place. I didn't know you had a thing against Sonic in all honesty." He sighs, "You could say he and I have a bad history... Let's just get in, find the shards, and get out." We enter the place and the smell of cheap pizza hits my sense of smell. The arcade is covered wall to wall in Sonic-themed decor and kids are roaming about with little supervision. I follow the magnetic pull of the shards and find them behind the prize counter. Unfortunately, it seems they put a ticket price on them, a whopping 50,000 tickets for them. "I guess we'll have to win some tickets if we want those shards..." "Or we could just steal them," Nazo deadpans. I obviously give him a look to show my displeasure. "I am not a thief. We're doing this the legit way." I grab his hand and drag him over to the token machine. I try to buy some tokens but I run into a problem, I'm not carrying cash...

(Nazo's P.O.V.)

I watch as the clumsy guardian turns out her pockets only to discover they're empty. I watch her sorrowful expression as she places a hand on her forehead in regret. Now how will I get the shards? I look around, making sure no one is watching, then I punch the machine causing numerous tokens to spill out. "Oh, look. Seems the thing malfunctioned. Better not let those go to waste." She looks at me skeptically before grabbing a couple handfuls of tokens and places them in her bag. She then hands some to me. "Two heads are better than one. Use them to play some games and earn some tickets. Make sure to only play the ones that award tickets. There are a few games that don't give any." She wanders off to play a game where you roll a ball into indicated holes and I watch as she barely manages to win any tickets. I decide to try my hand at this foolish game. The hole with a 100 printed on it seems to be the highest. It also seems to be the hardest to aim for. I secretly use a little chaos control on the balls to bend them in the direction I want earning us 1,000 tickets. This is not nearly fast enough so we try some other games. She loses at them and when I try I win spectacularly. I've begun to realize she's not just clumsy but also unlucky. Even with the bad luck though, I notice she's smiling. What a strange (C/T) she is... Even in the face of such odds she still finds a way to smile. I find I'm smiling alongside her, her enjoyment is rather infectious. We manage to earn enough tickets when the man at the prize counter says something that throws us off. "Those are only enough for one of these. You'd need 100,000 more tickets if you want the other two." We only made enough to earn one of the shards?! That's it, no more playing it nice! I blast a nice hole in the roof scaring everyone within radius of us. "Hand over the other two shards, now! Or I'll raze this place to the ground!" At this point everyone in the establishment with the exception of myself, the (C/T) guardian, and the fool who's behind the counter. Needless to say, he quickly handed over the shards just to get rid of us. I grab the unlucky guardian by the wrist and drag her out of the place. She's yelling at me both in her thoughts and aloud but I ignore her words until we're well out of the city. She snatches her arm back. "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" "I saw no reason to continue wasting time. I thought you wanted to fix the emerald quickly." "I do but I'd prefer not to hurt anyone in the process!" "I didn't. I damaged the building, yes but I did not attack anyone, little guardian." She's silent for a moment, then her eyes light up as a realization dawns on her. "I never told you my name, did I?" "No, nor do I care to know." "Seems a little unfair, don't you think?" I shake my head. "It's not necessary for me to know it as far as I'm concerned. My only concern is to help you get the shards back so we can go our separate ways. Isn't it better that we remain strangers?" She frowns. I thought we were starting to be friends... That... stung but why did it sting? "What are you doing to me? You make me feel such abnormal things... Fine, if it makes you feel better, go ahead and state your name but make it quick. We have a mission to get back to." She smiles and takes me gently by the hand. "My name's (Y/N)... Nice to properly meet you, Nazo."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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