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Michael was your average boy. He wasn't the best at school but there was one thing he was good at, making people happy. He always tried to make everybody have a positive attitude when he was around even if he happened to be an asshole. That's just how he was.

He knew a girl who was one of the smarter people, always was there for people and she was by far the prettiest girl he had ever seen. He liked how she wasn't like every one else and he knew there was something about her.

He could read her like a children's book. He knew exactly how she felt and what she wanted to make happen. He completely understood her. If there was any type of secret he could tell what it was without her saying anything at all.

One year things suddenly changed and someone showed up at his door step. Some one he wasn't expecting. "Hey Michael." His friend from high school, Ryan, said and Michael hugged him quickly.

"Ryan, what are you doing here?" He asked and Ryan handed him a box. Ryan's normally bubbly composure turned quiet fast. Michael looked at the box with confusion etched on his face.

"What's this?" "Uh, she wrote a lot. She said that in the event of anything going on she wanted you to know." Ryan stuttered and stepped away from his door. "It was great seeing you. I have to go but maybe we could get coffee sometime?" Michael nodded still confused as to why he had a box in his hands. "Bye." He shut the door and went to his bed room to see what was inside.

He opened the box and pulled out the first envelope titled "Letter One"

June 1, 2013

Well things have gotten rough lately. But after every storm is a rainbow... or so they say. People lie. People are the real monsters in this world. People aren't the supposed monsters that live under your bed when you're a kid but they are always around you, constantly watching and thriving on seeing you at your weak points.

I don't know how to do anything without thinking about how it could effect anybody. He made this big deal out of something so small that I can't sleep without thinking about it. He has made it a known fact that things were going to be this way and I never believed until now.

Why you left, I guess I know now. I just wish I could say goodbye, farewell, "I'll see you later" type of thing. But that's not how things were supposed to be.

I've thought of running away, getting on a plane and having a destination of anywhere but here. Almost like a permanent vacation. I know you wouldn't want that though. So I'm going to try to hang in there. Just for you.

- Love Destiny

Destiny. That was the girl who he could read like a book. When Ryan said "she" Michael didn't know who he was talking about considering there were a rather large number of girls that Ryan was friends with.

At that moment, Michael shoved the paper under the bed as his girlfriend Makenzie walked into the room. "Hey sexy, what are you doing?" Michael shook his head and looked around the room. "Nothing except some spring cleaning." He mentally rewarded himself for speaking in such a confident tone.

"Oh, well I'm going shopping with the girls. I'll be home tomorrow or the next day. Try not to have fun without me." Michael just nodded, this becoming a normal thing. He watched as she cascaded down the hall and out the door. He made sure that the sports car was squealing down the street before he pulled the letters out again.

So this is the updated version. I'll try to get as much done as I can tonight but for the first time, I'm kinda tired.


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