Chapter 9 - UNCUT

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WARNING - This chapter contains EXPLICIT SEX and SEXUAL REFERENCES and NAKED BODY PARTS and COURSE LANGUAGE and probably other offensive stuff too.

OK - This story doesn't do Sexual Tension - Sex is crucial to the plot - as will be revealed later - it this isn't your thing or you shouldn't be reading it then please DON'T READ THIS.

Please read this tastefully and let me know if there is anything in it that you think is inappropriate.

You have been warned!


Please note - the PG version of this chapter has been re-written to include more detail of the tournament.  This chapter is in it's raw, unedited and unaltered form - so no extra detail!

Chapter 9 – UNCUT

My day started again.  The difference was that I was exhausted and sore.  He had not been the only one to suffer from his passion. 

The cleanup of the hall was completed before most guests woke.  I greeted them all for the morning banquet.  I held my head high and did not mention the previous night.  They were polite enough not to either.  The men were all on the field preparing already so only the spectators were in the hall.  The Tournament would begin midmorning and run all afternoon finishing with the feast and dance that evening.

I made sure everyone was well aware of their jobs and left Joyce to co-ordinate the feast as I went to prepare to attend the competition.

Aine and I walked to the field next to the hall and I took my place in the Royal box in the centre of the arena.   On each side of the Royal box was seating for the nobility then benches for everyone else.  In front of me was a broad field.  Down each end were small tents for the men to dress and rest in private.  Each had its own flags representing its Lord.  It wasn’t hard to find Torc’s tent.  He flew his shirt with my blood on it and the seven other pieces of sheet with their red marks on them.

The men lined up and the Lords stepped forward.  Each stepped forward and announced which lady’s favour they carried.  Percy step forward and announced that he carried the favour of Fleur De Bruge he held up an embroidered design in the same way the other Lords had, I felt the King turn and his finger twitched at this but he said nothing.   

“I carry the favour of my Virgin Lover, who shall remain nameless.  Her token is her scent still wet on my body.  I shall honour her today.” Torc said boldly and he looked away from me into the crowded seats of the noble women. 

“May you be married and fat by the time my daughters are at age,” The King laughed.

“My sons will look to your daughters, Sire, as I will be busy servicing my wife so that she is the one who is fat with child,”

The King laughed but I heard an edge to his laugh and I wondered if he had taken that as Torc knowing that the King did not service me.

The men then left the field to put their armour on.   The early fights were of the younger warriors.  I watched the duals with interest.  Each time thinking what I would have done.  How I would have fought.  Although it was frustrating I did love tournament day.  Somewhere in my fantasies I dreamt it was me on the field. 

“You majesty, if it pleases you,” Percy approached the King, “I would like to take the Queen on a tour.”

“The men are busy preparing, Lord Percival, the Queen will not help with that.”

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