Chapter 3 - UNCUT

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Chapter 3 – UNCUT

I smiled and nodded confidently to the men as I made my way to the High Table which was raised on a broad step at the far end of the hall.Many eyes followed me, many men admired me.I held my head high and kept my dignity.

“You took your time,” the King greeted me, “I hope the food isn’t cold now.”

“It is good to see you too, my husband, my King.” I bowed my head to him as I sat next to him allowing the occupants of the hall to also sit.My snip didn’t go unnoticed and his jaw tightened.I silently chastised myself for my temper.That was not the way to achieving what must happen.

“Ahh, Sire you did not tell us that your Queen was so alluringly beautiful,” came a voice from the other side of the King.

“Beauty can take many forms as can flattery Torc,” the King laughed.

I turned to see him, this Torc, looking directly at me.His eyes travelled over me in a way I was unaccustomed to, I was after all the Queen not some serving girl.I glared back at him only to receive a perfect smile, his face lit up right up to his eyes.His face was beautiful for a man, such high cheek bones but still large sparkling light blue eyes. Now he was closer I could see that his hair wasn’t just flat blonde it was like dry warm sand, flecked with so many different shades of white and yellow, and it was just as unruly.I assessed him as he just did me, looking for the obvious flaw, every beautiful face had one, that one thing that reminded you that they were in fact mortal.Nothing obvious, must be his personality I concluded.I was watching Torc’s face which was turned to me and a half smile danced on his lips.

“But you refer to the Queen’s ‘beauty’,” The King scoff with clear ridicule, “Thus, Lord Torc, you must want something significant to stoop to that level of flattery!”

As the King spoke and I clearly saw the flash of anger and contempt in Torc’s eyes.Yes this warrior saw the King for the rude, arrogant,... deep breathe Maeb, unpleasant man he was but was also good at covering it.His face tilted to the side as maybe we had read the same reaction in each other.Our unspoken conversation was interrupt by the King who turned to Torc to speak of some trivial matter.

The food was being placed on the table.I closed my eyes briefly to collect myself and find my dignity and then I took the opportunity to smile discreetly to Colm who was seated next to me.Next to Colm were some other minor Princes.On the other side of the King Torc as Warrior of the campaign sat, then the three highest Generals.We all faced the men who were already drinking heavily.Great.

The food was now set out in front of the already mostly inebriated men.It was then that I saw them.A table of twelve men all sat quietly and ate soberly.They seemed amused by the antics of the neighbouring tables but not so much as enjoying the frivolity but seemed more patronising in their laughter.

“Who are they?” I asked Colm.

“They are my men, The Twelve,” Torc answered not needed to know who I was referring to.“The Twelve and I do not partake in the drink.”

“Really?” I said before I could stop myself.

“Please excuse the Queen, she has learnt no manners,” the King muttered with his mouth full of meat.I felt Colm tense beside me and I saw Torc similarly clench his jaw muscles.

“Excuse me, My King, Lord Torc, and our guests, please forgive me my indiscretions.It was rude of me.”

The King humphed and turned back to the food.“They don’t drink because it dulls their metal,” he laughed loudly while downing his cup and raising it to be refilled.

Torc facial muscles twitched.I clearly saw the restraint in his eyes.He turned to look at me and again his expression cleared to one of curiosity.I quickly turned away.

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