Chapter 16

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Shouto yawns as he sits at the teacher's desk in his classroom on Monday morning. Midoriya stayed until well past midnight the night before, then didn't want to sleep over because he had class today. Todoroki understood that and gave him a ride back, but once he was home again, he couldn't fall asleep.

Now that Midoriya is back, he doesn't want to let him go again.

It feels childish, but he can't help it. He's enamored by the young adult, wanting to be with him every second and learn every little thing about him.

But they have time, he just needs to keep reminding himself that.

His phone vibrates on the desk and he looks over to see it's Midoriya. Smiling he opens the message, before furrowing his brows again.

Izuku to Shouto

Monday, 9:48 am

so, i nvr told tenya bout u bein a teacher nd i think hes in ur class 2day

Todoroki sucks in a slightly harsh breath, looking at the door as if the student would barge in any second. Another message follows, this of a screenshot of a conversation between Midoriya and Iida.

Izuku to Shouto

Monday, 9:48 am

T: Didn't you say Shouto's last name was Todoroki?

I: yeh y?

T: Do his parents work here? I have a Professor Todoroki for english literature today.

Midoriya had never answered, clearly reaching out to Todoroki first.

Shouto to Izuku

Monday, 9:50 am

Are u going to tell him now?

Less than a minute later he receives a response, but before he can look at it, the door to his classroom opens. Looking over, Todoroki's eyes widen.

"Shouto?" Iida's hand stays on the door latch as he stares bewildered at Todoroki. "Or I guess... professor?"

"Hello, Tenya." Todoroki swallows and nods his head. "Nice to see you again." He stands from his chair but doesn't make any move closer.

Iida eyes him up and down and Todoroki feels almost scared. He knows this is one of Midoriya's best friends, and heard all about him throughout Midoriya's winter break. The last thing he wants is to hinder their friendship.

"Nice to see you, too." Iida slowly enters the rest of the room, shutting the door behind him. "Izuku never mentioned you were a teacher."

"Oh, well," Todoroki quickly racks his brain for a response. "I guess it never came up."

Iida hums then looks around the room for somewhere to sit, taking a seat in the second row closest to the door, then leaving an empty seat in front him.

Exactly where Midoriya sat last semester.

Students begin to pile in then, none of them being familiar faces.

Todoroki slowly sits in his chair again, watching Iida intently until the student takes out his phone. Todoroki goes back to his own device, finding four unread messages from Midoriya.

Izuku to Shouto

Monday, 9:50 am

no i dint get a chnce 2

9:50 am

i thnk hes on his way tho

9:52 am

shouto ?

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