A King and His Crown

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'What the hell?' I shouted, completely baffled.

'I am sorry, truly. Our leader, the highest bidder, told us to impersonate Vuns so that you stayed with us. Sadly, he did not arrive in time. The joint forces of Kajle and Huxf are three hours early. Now we will fight. If necessary, we will fight for three hours.'

'Oh, just tell us who this person is,' Leo ordered.

'I'm sorry, I myself don't know. This man is determined on keeping his identity a secret. All of us will discover who he is within the day. For now, my army and I will fight for Lyatar and your team. When the time comes, the man shall take and kill you.'

Me, Leo and Archie all shared the usual silent conversation. 'I am sorry, Alexander, but we will not fight for your kingdom and wait for our executioner,' Archie explained. 'Instead, we will fight for the good of people and ourselves.'

The anxiety and fear disappeared from my body, replaced with courage and determination. Together, the three of us all ran down the stairs, while the near silent voice of Alexander said, 'Let them go. Protect them, but do not let them escape.'

Thunder suddenly clapped in the sky. Vicious rain poured down on the ground as the army reached the gates. They grabbed a battering ram and repeatedly hit the gates with enormous strength. Lightning warned us of the outcome with an expeditious bolt shaking the floor with its potent strike. Just like that, the gate collapsed with a heavy BANG! and a thousand men charged into a battle of a lifetime.

I was vexed. I wanted to kill every man who stood with my horrible father. Leo and Archie ran off to defend the petrified, innocent people of Lyatar whilst I took out as many enemies up front as I could. Someone tried to jump from above, so I did a forward roll and slashed backwards as soon as I got up. They flew across the floor and lay dead. A pair of men both kicked at me, so I sidestepped and kicked one guy's leg, causing them to clash with each other. I bent my back when they both tried to stab my neck and then threw myself back up and stabbed one in their chest. The other one was killed when I grabbed the other guy's sword and plunged it through their heart. Often, I would front flip to avoid arrows and then end up being surrounded by clusters of men. I responded by decimating them.

Leo eventually found me, and we were an unstoppable duo. He stabbed one guy as he was bent over, and I ran across his back and soared through the air. I held my sword's point down, hopeful that it would make contact with someone. It did. But the result of that attack ended up with an anger-driven teenager in the middle of a circle of killers. With a few grunts, they all collapsed within ten seconds. On the kingdom walls, I saw Archie with his bow aimed at me. Arrows were lodged in all of the soldiers' chests, precisely aimed. All of the arrows were in the exact same, vital spot. That boy was something else. Through swords and arrows flying through the air, I saw him wink before continuing to help others in need. I saw Leo protecting some wounded soldiers from several enemies, so I ran over to him. On the way, I slashed and slashed at anyone who got in my way. Cannon fire exploded in my ears, causing pieces of the ground to fly into the air. Craters were as common as crumbs in a cookie, duels happening inside each one. The constant yells of prayers and screaming came from anywhere you'd look. I was in a battlefield. Men fell every second, another one biting the dust. After killing a trio of troops, I reached Leo. I stood at his side. Whenever a man would advance, either me or Leo would simply slash his neck (gory, I know). Medics immediately arrived and got everyone to safety... except the people in front of us; they weren't safe. 'Been a while since I've had a challenge,' I said to Leo as more enemies joined their allies as if a street performance was happening.

He exhaustingly sighed. 'Been a while since I haven't had one. I'm tired, Castor.'

'Then let me help you. Watch.'

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