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Now, obviously I didn't die otherwise I wouldn't be here telling you story. The point is, I felt like the Grim Reaper had decided to keep me alive a little longer just so I could feel like I was feeling the combined pain of anyone I had ever killed. In conclusion, I would've preferred to die then; the sun burned my wound as I shielded my eyes from the light. I looked down at the dagger, still deep in my stomach. Yells of the army had awoken me from the pain Leo had inflicted. They swiftly approached the kingdom gates while I struggled to stand up, using the wall for support. I managed to get to the ladder and climb down it through gritted, bloody teeth. Gates swung open once I reached Ace. War cries deafened me while I readied him for a ride. Halfway through fastening his saddles, I stopped and looked down. I bit my bottom lip, sighing. 'Well, if I'm going down, I'm going down with a fight,' I muttered.

Just as a soldier noticed me, I drew my sword. 'He's her—' he began, being stopped by a dagger thrown into his chest.

More men approached, their guards lowered. As much as it pained me, I bent down and swiped their legs. They hit their head on the floor, instantly going unconscious. I got back up and coughed out more blood. Deciding I was going to die either way, I limped out into the open. A group of enemies turned and charged toward me, spears and swords pointing toward my throat. I smiled and went towards them. I picked up my pace and slid under them, elbowing their legs. Swiftly and carefully, I got up and stabbed two in the back. Once the other three recovered, I punched one foe's wrist, disarming them, and punched another. However, one was still ready to attack me, and that they did. I bent back to dodge their jab and spun around, kicking them in the stomach. Getting ready for round two, the trio formed a triangle, the spearman at the front. Their attempt to attack me was countered with a forward roll and double kick to the chest. The man let go of his spear, so I grabbed it mid-air and stabbed him in the heart. Being the last two, the soldiers attacked me in sync, so I sidestepped and then dodged. I kicked the guy on the right, stabbing the other in the stomach. Before he could even recover, I finished off the last person with a punch to the face and a sword to the heart. I turned around to get ready for the next wave as the duo fell to the floor. Ten more sprinted toward me whilst I stumbled side to side, dizzy. I shook my head and focused on the small army that had reached me. Some buff men punched me in the face and threw me across the air. Barely being able to get up, I kept persevering and protecting a kingdom that probably didn't even know I existed. Looking for more target practice, the impossibly strong enemies stormed toward me. A second before they attacked, I knelt down and spun, my sword extended far out. I've said it many times, and I'll say it again: mistake. Yes, the foes fell, allowing me to finish them off. However, as I said before, I was feeling more and more dizzy. And that did not help in any way whatsoever.

So, there I was with eight armed soldiers ready to kill me while I felt like throwing up my intestines. I tried my hardest and still got in accurate attacks, but it was no use. Cut off two heads, three would replace them (literally). I'd kick and punch when I couldn't stab. With every attack, I felt more dead. I was now on the stairs, still striking down foes until I reached the top. Piles upon piles of bodies were behind me, their killer stained with not only their blood, but his own. The army must've been extremely terrible, considering they had just been slaughtered by a dangerously wounded teenager. To ruin the momentous moment, a final group charged at me. I rolled my eyes and kept them closed. 'About damn time,' I murmured, words causing pain with every syllable I uttered.

But then their screaming stopped. Curious, I opened my eyes and saw them all on the floor, inches from me. My senses had taken a toll, but I could still see through blurry eyes that the palace's light had returned, the door swung open. Sadly, it was too late for me. I coughed out blood for the final time as the knife slowly fell out of my stomach and my eyes closed for eternal rest. Rain and thunder began again, wetting my hair. Smiling, I let myself fall to the floor, but I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders and lift me back up, their warmth recognised. So, yes, the Fallen Prince still lived – yippee.

The Fallen Prince: A Prince's MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now