xxxiv. the dragon provoked

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if anybody read the unfinished version when I accidentally hit publish... no you didn't, shut up...
( 0//-//0 )


     VALGOR ROUGHLY SHOVED HIS daughter out the door, slamming it behind her with a resounding snap that made Serena'a chin wobble as she struggled to keep in her tears

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     VALGOR ROUGHLY SHOVED HIS daughter out the door, slamming it behind her with a resounding snap that made Serena'a chin wobble as she struggled to keep in her tears. It felt like she was choking on them, a horrid pain in her throat making it difficult to circulate air. She clutched a hand to her chest as her heart felt as though it were beating at light speed, nearly pounding out of her chest as an ache grew in her ribs.

Vision growing blurry Serena quickly looked around for any witnesses to her humiliation though fortunately did not spot one. Wiping a hand across her eyes she began the shameful walk to her chambers, feet shuffling while puffy eyes leaked like broken faucets despite however many times she tried to rub the salty liquid into her skin and begged herself to stop.

That's what you get. That's what you get. That's what you get. The words repeated in her head hysterically, each time growing more panicked as she tried to recall the way to her room. The alcohol in her system didn't seem to be helping her much either as fatigue set in and she desired nothing more than to curl up in a dark abandoned corner and cry over the many things going wrong in her life.

Her father saw her as an invaluable waste of space, her best friend was practically turning into her frenemy, and her other friend was avoiding her -or so it felt. To top it all off she was going to die!

The sniffles echoing hauntingly after every other footstep only made Serena feel worse about herself, the sounds of her blatant sadness stirring the pot of bitterness in her stomach. A resentment blossomed from the wilted feeling encompassing her very soul. Her hands clenched at her sides and a sneer replaced the mopey frown she had once been sporting as sadness and anger were easy to confuse and often lead to the other.

She was through with being ignored! She was through with being thrown about like a rag doll! But most importantly she was through with defending her father and his ways. Serena had a new desire; she wanted to watch his world burn.

Slamming open the door to her room she promptly slammed it shut behind her. "Asta!" She yelled, an aggression in her tone she hadn't meant to take out on her friend. When no reply came she grew irate and stomped throughout her room in search of the woman with tears still pouring from her eyes. Serena was just about to call for Asta again when she remembered she had given her the rest of the night off. She had spoken of plans to see her sister. She had looked rather happy.

Serena sighed and even more tears welled at the corners of her eyes. Her sobs were loud and uncontrollable as everything all at once collapsed onto her, the horrifying situation she found herself in taunting her as her father's cruel words swam around her head like hungry sharks. As much as Serena wanted to rush to the servant's quarters and collapse in the arms of her handmaiden she wouldn't dare tell Asta she had changed her mind. She wouldn't dare take her away from her happiness.

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