ii. the fire

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     THE FOREST had often been a place of solace for Viktor throughout his childhood, a place where he could go to get away from all the troubles that plagued his mind

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    THE FOREST had often been a place of solace for Viktor throughout his childhood, a place where he could go to get away from all the troubles that plagued his mind. A place to forget the younger sister that wept and fussed at him to play, the mother who tisked and tutted his every mild wrongdoing and the father who barked and demanded orders at him every second of the day.

The forest was a place of restful serenity- though this visit held no such comfort.

Viktor watched with wide, fearful eyes as his father drew his bow. Half of him longed to jump in the way of the arrow and protect the helpless doe that stood daintily at the rivers edge lapping water with her young, but the other half of him knew better; His father would be displeased.

"Are you watching me son?" Asked Valgor, his voice though hardly above a whisper still managed to hold an authoritative tone. Viktor nodded meekly,

"Yes Father, I am watching." Valgor nodded curtly,

"Good." With that word, the man released his hold breaking the night's silence as his arrow whistled through the dewy evening's air and eventually, through the flesh of the doe. All but one of the doe's young scattered as their mother fell, blood pooling at the opening of her wound. The arrow had hit her heart, she was dead.

"Nice shot." Viktor murmured swallowing through his wave of nausea. Valgor smirked and slammed the weaponry into his son's chest taking him by surprise.

"Go on. Give it a try." Viktor looked back towards the river his mouth suddenly dry,

"You mean... the baby?"

Valgor raised his brow challengingly, giving his son a look as if to say, 'Are you scared?' Viktor swallowed roughly and grabbed an arrow from the pouch beside him. With shaking hands he prepared his weapon and drew the bow.

The baby was still prodding at its mother, its eyes wide and frantic. It was scared, much like its soon-to-be killer. Perhaps, Viktor thought, he was doing the deer a favor saving it from a life without its family. A quick death... if his aim was right.

Viktor took a deep breath and readjusted his aim, as he prepared himself to release his hand a series of blood-chilling screams resonated throughout the forest. The boy's hand slipped from the arrow sending it flying into a tree though that hardly seemed to matter.

"Kaida!" Valgor yelled, his harsh grey eyes suddenly full of panic. He knew her voice like he knew his own hand. His wife was in danger.

Grabbing his son's hand Valgor abandoned his kill and hastily raced through the trails leading back to his home, his mind set only on his wife and daughter. Though as they grew closer and closer to their home the overbearing scent of smoke made his heart sink with fear.

"Father is everything alright? What's going on!" Viktor cried, tears welling in his fearful eyes. "Is mother alright?" He continued, begging for a response, anything to calm him of his fears! But nothing came. Valgor remaind silent.

As the two approached their home Valgor fell to his knees in a never before seen act of surrender. The house, their home, was entirely engulfed in hellish red flames.

Sobs racked through his chest scaring his son even more, Viktor had never seen his father cry, and he knew now that he wished he never had to.

"Father what are we to do we have to save Mother and Serena! Father are you listening to me! Father!" Viktor shook his fathers arm though the man did not move. He stayed rooted to the ground, his eyes never leaving what had once been his.

"Father we have to help them!"

"Father!" A new voice calling his name broke Valgor from his weakened state. It was young and tender.

"Serena!" Valgor shouted rushing towards the fire engulfed door of his home. "Are you alright? I'm coming to get you!" Much to his surprise, before Valgor could act, the door began to creak open revealing his daughter's untouched face. It seemed the only thing that had been burnt was her dress.

Walking through the flames the little girl crosses the threshold and leaped into her father's arms, she felt normal. Unfazed by the heat of the blazing fire she had just been in the heart of.

"Where is your mother, is she with you?" Serena looked down at her feet, tears welling in her stormy blue eyes.

"She wouldn't wake up Father. I shook her and shook her but she wouldn't wake up! She just kept screaming! The fire was hurting her!" Valgor looked at his daughter in fear,

"And why were you left unharmed?" Viktor yelled, "How come you didn't burn with her!"

Serena gave her brother a pointed look, "Fire can not kill a dragon,"

Valgor yelled in anger, disbelief in his eyes. Grabbing his daughter's hand he thrusted it into the flames though she did not flinch. It seemed the only thing she feared was the crazed look of anger in his eyes. In his haze, Valgor grabbed his son by the arm and threw him into the fire as well.


It will get better don't worry! Sorry that chapters are kinda shitty ahh!!


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