i. the dragons

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     KAIDA BELIEVED in the dragons she told her children stories of and put her heart in the hands of the tales that had once lulled her to sleep each night

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KAIDA BELIEVED in the dragons she told her children stories of and put her heart in the hands of the tales that had once lulled her to sleep each night. She had trust in the word of her father and grandfather, who had both claimed to had been visited by a dragon the very night she had been born. To Kaida, dragons were more than just old wives tales, they were real, living beasts that had been intertwined with her family name for eons.

House Franener had been born of the dragons, raised from the ashes of the fallen, and bled blood of fire. They held a fate far nobler than that of any knight, and a duty more challenging than any royals. They waited through centuries with bated breath, praying for the chosen one who would bring their kin back into history.

They awaited the Dragonborn. He who could walk through flame unscathed, speak the language of their winged ancestors and take back what had been theirs through fire and blood.

Though as time went on, their hopes fleetingly dwindled. It appeared Kaida was the last to hold hope.

"Mother! Mother look at me!" The sound of her daughter running into the kitchen broke Kaida from her thoughts. "Look! I am a dragon, Mother! Look!" The young woman watched as the four-year-old clambered up then leaped from chair to chair flapping her arms wildly about while roaring as ferociously as her tiny voice allowed.

"Oh my, could it really be!" Kaida exclaimed dropping the towel she was holding and feigning a look of shock. Her daughter nodded and climbed onto the dining table.

"I am the hungry dragon Serena, daughter of Franener! Fear me!"

Kaida laughed whilst grabbing the child off of the table and holding her in her arms, "Fear you or feed you?"

Serena shrugged her shoulders, her game shortly forgotten. "Perhaps both?" Kaida nodded and held her daughter closer to her chest, resting their foreheads together. The familiar warmth of her child causing a soft smile to form on the woman's face.

"Hold tight young dragon, your father and brother will return shortly with a feast fit for a creature as noble as you!" Said Kaida, "But in the meantime, would you like to help mother dragon feed the fireplaces?"

Serena nodded excitedly and as soon as her feet were placed firmly on the ground, eagerly ran towards the already lit kitchen hearth with a dazzling excitement dancing in her opal eyes. Kaida followed behind her.

"Just be careful when you put the wood in Serena, the sparks hurt when they touch skin." Serena nodded at her mother's words, but quickly changed her mind and began to shake her head.

"Mother, you told me fire can't hurt dragons." Serena said, "So why should we be careful?" Kaida smiled softly at her daughter,

"Well, not everyone is a dragon, Serena." She said, "Some people get hurt by the fire, and we wouldn't want to take our chances." It was at times like these when Kaida began to regret feeding her daughter's wild ambition of being a dragon. Though she herself wanted nothing more than to get lost in the stories and play along, the thought of 'what if she hurts herself?' echoed through her mind.

She did not know if her blood held the blood of the Dragonborn, or if it were her sister's or brother's blood instead. Perhaps, she should tell her daughter the truth?

"Serena darling, you do know you aren't a real dragon?" The look of hurt on her daughter's face felt like a thousand daggers being plunged into Kaida's chest. "Darling, there is only one Dragonborn, and you are not him."

Kaida knew her mistake as she watched the tears begin to well in Serena's eyes. She should have told her more delicately, or perhaps waited a year.

"I am a dragon mother!" Serena choked through sobs, "I'll prove it!"


first chapter is kinda shitty/short but hey it's better than not putting out anything! I really hope you ENJOYED!!


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