t h r e e

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On my way home I was nervous. I wasn't aware if he was gonna be home or not. The closer I got to the apartment building the more anxious I got. Once I entered the building I headed straight towards the elevator. After this long day of walking everywhere I didn't have the strength to walk up the stairs. Entering the elevator I pressed the two button for my floor. The doors were beginning to close when the familiar curly haired God walked in.

All of my anxiety that has grew on the walk here has increasingly subsided. I don't know what was so special about this kid but whenever he was in my presence I felt somewhat safe. It was weird especially considering I didn't even know the guy. From what I remember earlier his name was Harry. He didn't press any of the elevator buttons when he got in so I was assuming he lived on the same floor as me. I didn't even realize I was staring at him until he looked my way.

"Is there something on my face?"

Right then I may have died and went to heaven, then came back to earth. Why wasn't I notified that he had the most sexiest British accent in world history. I'm pretty sure I stood there looking like a dumb school girl drooling over him. That's when he did the most illegal, panty dropping smirk. I swear I saw dimples that I could compare to craters in the moon.

I was about to reply but was interrupted by the sound of the elevator ding that signaled we were on the second floor. I could have swore that was the longest elevator ride and the whole world stopped for a mere second. While I exited the elevator I could faintly here him mumble something under his breath. I couldn't quite make out his words and then I was curious to know what he had said. I was in a battle with my head to ask him if he had said something but once I turned around he disappeared. This handsome, curly haired God who goes by the name Harry was something else.

If only I wasn't in a relationship I would be all over Harry. Tomorrow I am going to make sure I catch the elevator just to see him and maybe drop by the café. It wasn't until I entered my apartment that I noticed he wasn't there. I was all by myself tonight. I felt a weight lift from my shoulders at the thought of being alone. I thought I should make the most out of this night and pamper myself. Especially if this may be one of my last calming days alone.

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