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I've been in the hospital for almost a week since they had to do emergency surgery on my internal bleeding situation. I guess from getting kicked so many times it ruptured something inside and I was practically dying. It's been nice staying in the hospital besides the time I had to spend talking to the cops about my abusive relationship.

Today was my final day here and I was going back home. I felt so happy but terrified about the idea. Apart of me still thought he would come by but the other part knew he was gone for good. He was sent away for a couple years and I got a restraining order.

One of my nurses came in and brought my release forms to sign along with a prescription for some medication. After the nurse smiled at me and gave me a present. It wasn't major just a card with a $25 Yard House Gift Card. She said it was from her and the other nurses. I said Thank You and started to get dressed for my departure.

While exiting the hospital I saw the infamous curls that belonged to Harry. I was slightly confused but in awe of how he showed up. All that was running in my mind is why was he here, then it hit me. He saw me leaving the apartment on the gurney. I started walking towards him to hopefully start a non awkward conversation but how could this not be awkward. Once I got to him I managed to say the one word that hasn't left my vocabulary.



My mind had totally gone blank of things to say until his beautiful voice started to say things. At first I was lost in his sexy accent then later managed to make out a few words.

"I visited you that night...I just wanted to know if you were okay..."

"I'm fine...thanks..."

"I'm Harry by the way...we met at the café...If you recall..."

"I'm Kelsey...yeah I remember...umm yea the elevator ride wasn't my finest moment."

After saying that I immediately regretted it. I'm so stupid why would I bring that up he probably forgot by now. I'm certain he saw my mental face palm when I noticed his adorable dimples and sparkling teeth. We were standing here for awhile and I was getting woozy from the medication I took earlier. I decided to ask Harry why he was really here because we barely know each other. Although it seemed like a nice gesture it was kind of odd.

"Why did you come?"


"To the hospital...Why did you come here?"

"Oh right...Well when I came that night the nurse asked if I was family and since there was nobody with you I said yes..."

"Great a total stranger claims he's my family" I chuckle a little at the thought.

"Yeah it's weird but I didn't know what to do and she said you were gonna need a ride home today since you're drugged up."

"Right, well thank you Prince Charming...umm can we go now I'm getting pretty light headed and I need rest"

"As you wish Madame"

The drive was silent and not awkward at all. It was the kind of silent that was comfortable to sit through. We arrived at the apartments shortly and took the elevator up to the second floor.

"Thank you...you know for being there I guess"

"Yeah it was no problem...anytime you need a ride I'm here conscious or not"

His laugh... that's the first time i've heard his laugh and it was like a beautiful harmony.

"Quite the charmer you are"

"Most definitely"

There was his smile again, the one that makes him squint his eyes and scrunch up his nose. It was so adorable.

"Thank you again I'll see you around"

"Your welcome and i'll see you later my queen"

Walking our separate ways I could feel my heart racing with every step. I couldn't believe that actually happened. I was so attracted to him I couldn't think straight. As I was arriving to my door I went to grab the keys in my coat dropping what looked like a small piece of paper. Picking it up I unfolded it to reveal ten numbers along with note that read:

"Just in case -Prince Charming"

My heart skipped a beat. Looking back in the direction of his apartment I couldn't help but have the craziest smile on my face. I put the note back into my pocket and entered the room with a quite squeal of excitement and happiness.

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