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A/N: So I will be continuing this story for a few chapters more. I am so sorry for the scare, but I believe I got over my small writers block. I also have two announcements at the end!
.:Your P.O.V:.

I sighed softly and lightly tapped my pencil to my lips, waiting for class to start. Last period class was always boring.

'It wouldn't be so boring if Matthew was with me...' I felt heat rush through my cheeks and I shook my head rapidly. I sigh once again and close my (eye color) eyes. 'I wish I wasn't so shy! Maybe I could have already told him my feelings.' I felt a light tap on my shoulder; my eyes shot open and I saw Toni smiling at me.

"Hola chica." He greeted. "You're in deep thought, no?"

"W-well... Kind of; but i-its nothing." I replied quickly. 'I'm such a horrible liar.'

"I can tell something is bothering you. You can trust me to keep your secrets, mi amigo(my friend)."

"Uhm..." I began, wondering if I could really trust Toni with my crush on Matthew. "Y-you see.. I have t-this crush." I began subconsciously fidgeting with my hands.

"Is it me?" He laughed loudly, causing other students to stare at us. I simply shrunk down into my seat from embarrassment. "I'm just kidding, chica. So whose the lucky guy? Anybody I know?"

"You can't t-tell a soul! Promise me?"

"I cross my heart and hope to die." The Spaniard did the motion over his heart and gleamed on.

"It's Matthew..." I mumbled shyly and pulled my (color) hood over my face to cover my eyes.

"Aww." He cooed. "That is a adorable! Why haven't you asked him out yet?"

"If y-you haven't noticed I'm a b-bit shy."

"Ah, I see now." Toni was quiet for at least a minute until he almost jumps out of his seat. "I got it! Why don't you get over your shyness? Simple and easy."

"It doesn't work like t-that! I can't control that I am shy." I replied a bit louder than usual.

"I notice the more I talk to you, your stutter seems to slowly go away." The Spaniard playfully smirked and arched a brow. "Now all you have to do is overcome your shyness with Mattie."

"I can't e-exactly do that since he is my crush-"

"Sure you can!" He interrupted. "You can do it, (Name). I know you can."

"Do you really think I can, Toni? Do I have e-even a slight chance with Matthew?"

"If you haven't noticed, he is like head over heels for you."

"Really?" Toni face palmed.

"Yes! It's quiet obvious that he might possibly love you back." The seventh period teacher walked into class around eight minutes late. "I'll talk you later, chica." He whispered and turned around. I sighed once more and prayed to whatever god would listen for my blush to go away.

Sorry its short >.<
Anyways first announcement!: I'll be making a new series, Germany x Vampire! Reader. It'll be starting soon so keep an eye out!
Second announcement: I will b going to Europe June 18- July 7. So no writing between those times.

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