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  "Well (Name), I have something important to tell you." He panted, "I really like you!"  

  "Wait what?!" Both (Name) and Matthew exclaimed.


 "Yeah, it's true I really do!" Alfred smiled, "But I think it's more of friendship love, ya know? Or maybe its because-" Al cut himself off so he wouldn't reveal Matthews feeling for (Name). "Anyways, yes I like you but not in the love way." (Name) just stared at him with wide (E/c) eyes, not knowing what to say.

  "Wow..." Was all she could mutter out. Internally she was glad Alfred didn't sincerally love her, not wanting to reject him and heart his feelings.

  "What's this all about Alfred?" Matthew asked, very releaved that his brother didn't love his (Name).

  "I'll tell you later bro at hom!" Alfred smiled and turned around. He paused for a second before looking back. "I gotta go practice for football now, don't give up Mattie!" He winked before running off.

  "Well them...T-that was interesting was it." (Name) giggled. "Never had a g-guy confess his f-friendship love to me." Matthew chuckled with a slight blush.

"I never understand my brother sometimes." Oh but Matthew knew what this was about. He knew Alfred did this for him.

  "So what were you gonna ask m-me before Al interuppted us?" (Name) smiled a cute smile. Matthew literally felt his heart jump out his chest, remember he was gonna ask her out. A blush spread acrossed his face and he began to sweat nervously.

  "W-well I was gonna ask you if you wanted to-" BRIIINNGGG

 It was the schoolbell. Mattie both sighed in relief but growled in frustration. He was about to ask once more until (Name) spoke first.

  "Ah the bell, w-well make sure to tell me after school okay? I'll p-probably forget." She smiled before standing up and running off. Mattie heald his head with his hands and sighed.

'What am I gonna do? I'm too much of a jealous and shy mess.' He thought. His mind blanked for a second until a very 'risque' image of a certain girl((you of course)) popped in his mind. "Gaah!" He shook his head and stood up "Better get to class and destract myself.." He mutter and shoved his hands into his sweater pockets and began walking towards the school building.

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