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Next Day ~(Canada's P.O.V.....Still)~

  (Name) and I walked side by side in the hallways of (School Name), and more people began to notice me. I was feel good. I had a beautiful and smart girl next to me and things were going smooth. Until Jordan showed up...again. He was smirking slightly, of course I was shorter than the douchebag but he was only 3 inches taller. I could feel (Name) starting to shake so I grabbed her hand to calm her down. I sent a deadly glare to Jordan but it didn't seem to faze him the slightest.    

  "Hey babe, hey loser. Looks like big brother Alfie ain't here to help you now is he?" Jordan laughed evilly. "(Name), when will you leave maple sucker here for me?"    

  "N-never! I l-like Matt better t-than garbage!" (Name) quietly yelled. I didn't expect (Name) to say something like that but it still made me laugh like crazy. Jordan's face turned red with anger. He pushed my hard and I fell on my back side.    

  "Think that's funny maple sucker?" He asked. I didn't get up. He turned and faced (Name) and his arm around her waist. Anger boiled up in me and I did the best thing I could do. Get up and kick his ass, literally. He fell face first bringing (Name) down with him. I quickly grabbed her arm before she could fall and brought her close to me. There was a slightly large crowd surround us. Most of of them were cheering me on for finally kicking Jordan's ass, while the small amount who weren't were Jordans' friends.    

  "I actually find it very funny." I smiled and held (Name) close to me, not knowing she was blushing like crazy. Jordan got up from the floor and saw that everyone was cheering me on.    

  "This isn't over Matthew.  How about a one on one match. Your choice of what since I can beat you at anything."     

  "How about a round of ice hockey in the ice rink near the cemetery then. Five o'clock tomorrow."    

  "Done deal." We both shook on it and headed our separate ways. Jordan with his group of friends and Matthew with (Name).    

  "Good insult there (Name)." I chuckled.    

  "O-Oh shut it you! It wasn't m-my best comback.." She pouted slightly.    

  "Ah don't worry about it. Least you got him embarrassed,  eh."

  I patted her headed and looked on in front of us.  

  ~(Your P.O.V.Finally!)~    

 I could feel my (skin tone) cheeks heat up when Matthew. I couldn't help my forming of a crush on the Canadian after only knowing him for a day and a half, but I could feel a electric spark when we first touch. The protectiveness he has over me. I hated being so shy but I am starting to break from my shyness because of him. I feel secure when I'm with Matthew, I feel like I could open open up to him. I feel like I could be with Matthew forever, as friends or as something more. I saw we were close to our first period classroom.    

  "(Name)? You there?" Matthew asked, waving his hand in front of my face. Guess I spaced off I bit once we got to the classroom.    

  "Oh! Y-Yes! Sorry I m-must of went into lala land." I replied, trying to be smooth.    

  "Let's just get to class shall we?   

                                                ~(Alfreds P.O.V. and a timeskip to lunch)~    

  I heard the news about what happened with my little brother and Jordan, and what they plan to do after school. Jordan was an idiot for taking up the offer of trying to beat Mattie at hockey. There was no way he could beat him at it. I had to get Jordan to back out of this deal. As much of an ass he is, I don't want him to get seriously injured. I finally made to the lunch table and saw the curly haired teenager laughing.    

  "Hey Jordan, heard about the hockey game later on." I said, placing my hand on his shoulder.     "Yeah dude, what? You hear to tell me not to so I won't hurt yourbaby brother?" He laughed. "Like that little shrimp could beat me."    

  "Actually it's the opposite,  dude. Mattie will possibly ingure you out there."    

  "Pfft even if he does, I will still have a big suprise for him." He cackled.    

  "What...... Suprise..?" I was a bit scared to ask what exactly what he was planning on doing.     

  "Oh you'll see... you'll see." He smiled deviously. I was worried on what he was planning so I went to the table where Matthew and his friends usually sat..... they weren't there.    

  "Where could they be.....?" I asked myself. I thinked for a second. "The libary! No nono.... no one goes to the library. Well I can warn Matthew when he gets home.....   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    

  I placed my school bag and football gear in the closet in the hallway of Matt's and I's house. I immediately pulled out my phone as it started to ring. It was Matthew. I quickly answered.    

  "Yo Mattie where are you?" I asked slightly worried.    

  "I'm at (Names)'s house.  Gonna sleep over here as well since I know you will most likely try to talk me out of playing against Jordan tomorrow."  

  "Dude don't-"    

  "To bad I am. See you at the ice rink tomorrow since its a Saturday. " Click. He hung up on me.    

  "Damn it Matthew. What does Jordan have in plan for Matthew....?  

                                                            ~(Over at your place. Your P.O.V.)~    

  "So sure your parents are fine with me staying here?" Matthew asked while setting his hockey gearnear my front door.    

  "Yes, both m-my parents are out on a b-business trip.." I smiled at him. "I have a guest room t-that you can use, and you can also use my d-dad's pajamas as well."    

  "Sure. Thanks for letting me stay over. I really appreciate it."  

  "It isn't a problem." I walked into my kitchen. "So, how about some vegetable soup for dinner?"  

Canada x Reader .:Finally:.Where stories live. Discover now